Friends of Sacred Heart

FOSH, a parent/teacher organization of Sacred Heart School in Yankton, knows that parents and others play a vital role in supporting the school children’s faith and knowledge. 

Mission Statement: 

Friends of Sacred Heart School is a home and school organization designated to develop faith and community between parents, teachers, and students. This group sponsors social and educational events during the year to promote mutual understanding and a spirit of cooperation and Christian love between the home and school. All parents of Sacred Heart School students are members.

The organization has three major objectives:

FOSH hosts many special events throughout the year, accomplished with a great deal of support from SHS students, their parents, SHS faculty/staff, and members of both parishes and the community at large. The special events have been financed through a variety of fundraisers held throughout the year.

FOSH meeting dates, times and locations are announced at the beginning of the school year and with reminder notices in the Chalk Talk, the school newsletter. Every Sacred Heart School parent is an automatic member of FOSH and all adult members of Sacred Heart and St. Benedict parish are invited to join. We welcome ideas, questions or concerns; you do make a difference at Sacred Heart School!

Please contact them by email,, with any questions or concerns. Also, check out and “like” our Sacred Heart School Facebook site at: Sacred Heart School Yankton.

FOSH Officers


Emily Kabeiseman


Lisa Loecker


Meghan Wesely

Co-Vice President

Misty Murtha

Co-Vice President

McKenzie Erlandson


Marta Stirling
