Employment Opportunities

Thank you for your interest in Sacred Heart School. Please see below for all job listings. For more information, please contact Mrs. Laura Haberman by email (laura.m.haberman@k12.sd.us) or phone (Elementary School - (605) 665-5841 / Middle School - (605) 665-1808).

Sacred Heart School Employment Opportunities

Once completed please email resume and application to laura.m.haberman@k12.sd.us.

Crusader Care Daycare Employment Opportunities

Once completed please email the application to the Daycare Director at SHSDaycare@yanktoncatholic.org.

Volunteer Opportunities

All staff and volunteers must complete the Safe Environment Program for the safety of our students.

Safe Environment Program

"All members of the Church are called upon to ensure the safety of children and vulnerable adults in our parishes, schools, families, and local communities. In an effort to respond to this responsibility, the Diocese of Sioux Falls requires all adults and minors who are active in a diocesan organization to complete a safe environment program that teaches how to recognize and report abuse, and how to maintain proper boundaries."

 -Catholic Diocese of Sioux Falls