Student Support Services

Extended Learning Opportunities

The ELO Program in the Manchester School District is an opportunity for students to explore and receive credit for extended learning activities outside the traditional classroom, including, but not limited to, internships, community service, independent study, private instruction, work base learning and various other activities. The granting of credit shall be based on a student’s demonstration of course competencies, as approved by certified personnel. Through reflection activities, students examine their personal goals, skills, and value relating to the world of work. The ELO Program is open to everyone. Students must be able to commit to completing hours and meet regularly with their teacher to submit a journal as well as a final project presentation, which we encourage you to be part of. To learn more a student should consult their guidance counselor or ELO Coordinator

Manchester School District ELOs

Career Breakfasts

The career breakfast series is part of the career pathway of the month. Each month we feature one of our CTE programs in SSS. We have a display set up with items and information from the featured CTE and along with that we showcase the program on our TV. All of this is done by the program teacher and students.

During that month, we host a career breakfast for the showcase pathway and invite industry professionals to come in and talk with students about their careers. We invite 1st and 2nd year students who might be interested in entering this pathway. We also invite one of the discovery classes. The objective is to have students learn more about the programs we have to offer.

We have 2-3 industry professionals introduce themselves and tell a little about their job and background. We then assign each guest to a table and have students join in. The rest is open-ended, give-and-take conversation (10-15 minutes). We want students to learn about what the job is like, what makes it interesting to the professionals, and what kind of skills and education are necessary to be successful. Mostly, we want the students to have fun and learn something.

Early College Initiative

The New Hampshire Community College System has established an Early College initiative that will allow our high school students to take credit-bearing courses on their campus. These credits may be applied towards a degree at MCC or possibly transferred to another college or university.

They have cut the cost of each course in half - as a high school student, you will only pay half of what a college student would pay for the same course. If you are interested in getting an affordable jump start on college, contact one of the counselors.