山田明美 (箏・二十絃箏・十七絃箏・琴)プロフィール


1984年 日本音楽集団入団

1985年 NHK邦楽技能者育成会第30期卒業  NHK邦楽オーディション合格


1993年 結アンサンブルのメンバーとして香港公演に参加  


1997年 モンテヴェルディ作曲オペラ「ポッペアの戴冠」(若杉弘指揮・市川右近演出)の通奏低音として二十絃箏を担当

1998年 長野オリンピック記念オペラ「善光寺物語」(松下功作曲)の箏を担当

2003年 NHK連続ドラマ「かるたクィーン」の箏を担当

2004年 「日中箏交流音楽会」のソリストとして上海・香港にて演奏

2005年 韓国・ソウルで開催された「アジア音楽祭」のソリストとして韓国国立劇場にて演奏、同公演が韓国国営放送KBSで放送される






 TV朝日系「題名のない音楽会」、NHK- Eテレ「にっぽんの芸能」、TBS系「輝く!日本レコード大賞」、NHK「歌謡コンサート」「うたコン」、BS朝日「人生、歌がある」、BSテレ東「徳光和夫の名曲にっぽん」、NHK-FMラジオ「邦楽のひととき」等にも多数出演


 KOTO Player  Akemi Yamada (koto, 21-string koto, 17-string koto) profile

From an early age, her mother taught him how to play the koto, while at the same time he studied the piano for over ten years.

1984 Joined Nippon Music Group "PRO MUSICA NIPPONIA"

1985 Graduated from the 30th class of the NHK Hogaku Technician Training Association Passed the NHK Hogaku Audition

In charge of 21-string koto for Super Kabuki "Yamato Takeru", "Oguri", "Hakkenden" and "Kaguya" since 1989

1993 Participated in a performance in Hong Kong as a member of Yui Ensemble

 "Minoru Miki Composition/Ballades for Koto Solo First Continuo Solo Recital" held (Suntory Hall Small Hall, Tokyo)

1997 In charge of the 21-string koto as the basso continuo for Monteverdi's opera "The Coronation of Poppea" (conducted by Hiroshi Wakasugi and directed by Ukon Ichikawa)

1998 In charge of the koto in the Nagano Olympic Memorial Opera "Zenkoji Monogatari" (composed by Isao Matsushita)

2003 In charge of the koto in the NHK drama series "Karuta Queen"

2004 Performed in Shanghai and Hong Kong as a soloist of the Japan-China Koto Exchange Concert

2005 Performed at the National Theater of Korea as a soloist at the "Asian Music Festival" held in Seoul, South Korea.

Formed "Koto Trio Hibiki" with 21-string koto player Reiko Kimura and 17-string koto player Keiko Miyakoshi.

 As a member of the Japan Music Group, he has given performances not only in Japan but also in France, Australia, the United States, Seoul, the Czech Republic, Ecuador, Bolivia, etc., and participated in the launch performance of "Orchestra Asia".

 As a member of Minoru Miki's Opera Theater "Utaza" and "Yui Ensemble", she has performed all over the country.

 In charge of the 21-string koto for Minoru Miki's operas "Shunkin-Sho", "Shizu and Yoshitsune", "The River Sumida", "Kusabira", folk opera "Terute and Oguri" "The Monkey Poet", etc.

 He is active in a wide range of genres, including performances of "Bero Dashi Chomma" written by Ryusuke Saito and composed by Minoru Miki throughout the country.

 TV Asahi series "Untitled Concert", NHK-E Tele "Nippon no Geino", TBS series "Shining! Japan Record Awards", NHK "Song Concert" "Uta-Con", BS Asahi "There is a life, a song" , BS TV Tokyo "Kazuo Tokumitsu's famous song Japan", NHK-FM radio "Hogaku no Motoki", etc.

 Currently, Akebi So nokai, Japan Music Group"PRO MUSICA NIPONIA" member, Bunkyo University part-time lecturer