House Rules

St Benedict’s strives to be a place of welcome and to build a culture of acceptance where all people are valued and respected. St Benedict’s also shares its facilities with the residents of Home in Queanbeyan. It is important that staff, volunteers and guests respect the rights of each person using the premises to personal safety, dignity and well being.

To be part of this community we, together with you, commit to:

  • Work to make sure you receive the best possible assistance to:

    • Establish and maintain a home.

    • Participate in a meaningful way in the community, learning, working and sharing life together.

  • Work in a manner that dignifies and respects each member of this community in their uniqueness and differences, embracing the diversity implied by gender, religious, cultural, or linguistic backgrounds, sexual orientation, age, disability or family status, etc.

  • Respect personal privacy and confidentiality.

St Benedict’s is a safe place for everyone. To make this happen, we:

  • Ensure safety and health regulations are met.

  • Respect each other in word and deed including using kind words and actions that promote acceptance, hope and welcome.

  • Respect the House Rules.

House Rules

  • No alcohol or drugs.

  • No violence or aggressive behaviour.

  • No stealing.

  • No smoking inside the building. No smoking, drinking coffee or loitering around the entrance to the building.

  • Children must be supervised at all times by their carer.

Professional Ethics and Conduct

Dealing with people

When dealing with one another, Board/Management Committee members, guests, external stakeholders and other agency representatives, staff members and volunteers will be respectful, honest and courteous. Staff members will give accurate information and prompt attention, and observe fairness and equity in their dealings with others.

Working with guests

When interacting or working with guests of St. Benedict’s, staff and volunteers will:

  • Always treat guests with respect and be mindful of their rights to privacy and confidentiality.

  • Always show respect for people’s cultural or religious sensitivities or requirements, and ensure the responsiveness of the service to their particular needs and circumstances.

  • Ensure that guests are provided with, and understand, all information relevant to their situation, options available to them and conditions of use for the service.

  • Ensure they have access to independent advocacy or support if they require in making any decisions.

  • Be aware of personal boundaries and never enter into a sexual relationship with a guest at the time of their service use or for at least six months after exiting service.

  • Not accept money or other gifts personally – such monies are to be handed to the Centre Co-ordinator or Treasurer for the use of St. Benedict’s.

  • Not accept or take resources donated or prepared for guests for personal use.

Guest’s Rights and Responsibilities

Guests have a right to:

  • Be informed about available services.

  • Be assessed to receive services without discrimination.

  • Choose what services they will receive.

  • Expect that no information about them will be provided to anyone else outside of St Benedict’s without their consent.

  • View any information about themselves held by St Benedict’s.

  • Complain about a service, without fear of losing the service or suffering any other recriminations.

Guests have a responsibility to:

  • Act in a way which respects the rights of other guests and staff.

  • Take responsibility for the results of any decision they make.

  • Play their part following through with tasks they have agreed to in their support plan.


St Benedict’s aims to provide a quality service, and an environment where all guests and staff can feel safe and comfortable, so we would like to know if guests have any concerns with the service.

Your services will not be stopped if you complain.

If you don’t feel comfortable with a staff member who is working with you, please inform the Centre Coordinator.

If you feel your rights are not being respected or if you have any other complaint or concern about the service, you can try any of the following:

  • Discuss the situation with the member of staff concerned, which may lead to a quick resolution, or;

  • If this fails to sort out the problem, contact the Centre Coordinator on 6297 5331 or by sending an email to, or:

  • You can write to:
    The Board Chair
    St Benedict’s Community Centre
    PO Box 175, Queanbeyan NSW 2620

You have the right to be represented by an advocate of your choice. This can be a friend or family member, or you can contact: