Sap Flow and Soil monitoring

Top of the range sap flow and soil moisture sensors show in real time what is happening in the tree and in the soil. This is an important aspect of trying to assess the level of stress that the trees are under. For instance, on a rainy day we may see the soil moisture rise in the upper levels of the soil (every 10 cm of profile is measured down to 80 cm) and the sap flow may slow considerably. To log in below, enter the Username Web and password sgm002 on the website

Here you can access the monitoring information live from the farm showing the sap flow of each of the treatments and the soil moisture at the various depths. It is considered that if the tree is still trying to access moisture throughout the (nighttime) resting period then it is potentially in stress, this can then be compared to what is happening in the soil at the time and the weather data (particularly vapour pressure deficit VPD)