1. IIT-B ki manzilein: Neela asmaan ya Karjat taluka ?

(Response to an article in Raintree on the issue of Research and Development at IITs.)

2. Suggestions to AICTE on improving academics in engineering institutions

3. Feedback to the MHRD Review Committee: 2014

(The IITs were reviewed by a committee from MHRD in 2014; my feedback to the committee then.)

4. Up Margosa Road; Down Sampigey Road

(An account of our stay in IISc, July - Dec 2015.)

5. The Banavarees, the Sohanees, and the Haveli

(An allegory written for three of my former graduate students)

6. KV and Schooling on the IIT Bombay campus

(Schooling on IIT Bombay)

7. Simon and Mao

(Feline friends at IISc)

8 .KV, PACE, AICTE and beyond

("Educated" as an educator)

9. Ushering the monsoon 2021 semester 

(A take on 'surveillance' in courses)

10. Excursions to Coffee Houses

(The perennial love for coffee houses)

11. Our infatuation with Machine Learning

(Our infatuation with jargon)

12. Cosmetics, academic fashionistas and engineering academia

(Academicians are increasingly moving away from academics. Awards, big projects, managerial positions,

ceremonies, trumpeting shallow achievements, seem to hold more attraction than getting one's fingers 

dirty with doing real academics, which to me is just reading and interacting with/tutoring/guiding students.)

13. Truancy in France: Driving on French roads

(Driving on French roads)

14. L'Affaire d'Apple: Apple, je t'adore

(A colleague of mine posted an email on our discussion forum requesting suggestions for procuring a laptop.

The message was titled: "Suitable laptop, proposals and matchmaking." My long association with Apple machines

prompted this response from me :-) )

15. Certification, coaching and education

(Our morbid infatuation with certification and grading)

16. Excellence, meritocracy and paranoia of "inclusion" (incomplete as yet...)

(Sham excellence, heady meritocracy and a paranoia of "the others" in our academic systems)

17. Worshipping False Gods

(Our heroes and ideals)

18. Our dear furry friend who left us on February 11th, 2024.

(Those lovely years with him)