oea bat caucus

We welcome all OEA members who:

  • Refuse to be blamed for the failure of our society to erase poverty and inequality

  • Support authentic teaching and learning that values the individual needs of students

  • Believe that strong public schools cannot be reduced to assessments, tests, and evaluations imposed by non-educators

  • Believe that educator voices must be elevated and respected by policy makers


The OEA BAT Caucus is established for the following purposes:

A. to promote and defend public education and our noble professions,

B. to advance pro-public education policies and lobbying efforts by OEA

C. to advocate that educators are the primary experts on their students' needs, and

D. to advance equity through social justice.

The views expressed on this website are those of the caucus. The caucus has no authority to speak for, or act on behalf of, the Ohio Education Association.