
OEA BAT CAUcus constitution

Revised 12/7/2019

Article I - Name

Section 1: The name of this organization shall be the OEA BAT Caucus.

Section 2: The OEA BAT Caucus, henceforth referred to as the Caucus, shall maintain affiliation with the Ohio Education Association.

Article II - Purpose

Section 1: The Caucus is established for the following purposes:

A. to promote and defend public education and our noble professions,

B. to advance pro-public education policies and lobbying efforts by OEA,

C. to advocate that educators are the primary experts on their students’ needs, and

D. to advance equity through social justice.

Section 2: The Caucus seeks to further the mission and vision of Ohio BATs while maintaining its own policy and procedures.

Article III - Membership and Voting Rights

Section 1: Caucus membership shall be open to all educators who are members (active or retired) of OEA and who:

A. refuse to be blamed for the failure of our society to erase poverty and inequality,

B. support authentic teaching and learning that values the individual needs of students,

C. believe that strong public schools cannot be reduced to assessments, tests, and evaluations imposed by non-educators, and

D. believe that educator voices must be elevated and respected by policy-makers.

Section 2: Members agree to support the mission and vision of Ohio BATs and must be in good standing with any BAT social media group recognized by the National BATs.

Section 3: Membership shall be active upon payment of annual dues.

Section 4: Membership year begins October 1 and ends September 30.

Section 5: Active members may vote for Caucus Officers and Caucus position on any piece of business of the OEA Representative Assemblies (RAs).

Article IV - Officers

Section 1: The Officers of the Caucus shall consist of a Chair, a Vice Chair, the Immediate Past Chair (if still an active Caucus member), a Secretary, and a Treasurer.

Section 2: The terms of office for each elected Officer position shall be two years. The Chair and Treasurer shall be elected in odd-numbered years. The Vice Chair and Secretary shall be elected in even-numbered years.

Section 3: All names of Caucus Officers shall be posted in the Caucus Facebook group.

Article V - Authority

Section 1: During RAs, decision-making authority on all issues before the Caucus will rest with the members attending official Caucus meetings.

Section 2: Between RAs, such authority shall be vested in the Caucus Officers.

Section 3: Between the start of a membership year and the start of both the Fall and Spring RA, any active member may propose that the Caucus take a position of support or opposition to an RA business item.

Article VI - Meetings

Section 1: There shall be at least one meeting of the Caucus during the Fall RA and at least one meeting of the Caucus during the Spring RA.

Section 2: Official Caucus meeting date, time, and location shall be posted at least two hours prior to the meeting online and sent to members’ supplied email.

Section 3: Caucus business will be voted on using the method determined by the presiding officer of the meeting.

Article VII - Committees

Section 1: The Caucus shall have such standing committees as are needed to fulfill its purpose.

Section 2: The Chair shall have the authority to create ad hoc committees and shall appoint chairs of these committees.

Article VIII - Elections

Section 1: Nominations for Caucus Officers shall be proposed and accepted only by active Caucus members.

Section 2: No member shall be nominated for office without the knowledge and consent of the individual. There shall be no write-in candidates.

Section 3: Newly elected Caucus Officers shall assume office following the conclusion of the Spring RA.

Article IX - Vacancies

Section 1: If a vacancy occurs in any elected position, the Chair shall appoint a replacement to serve out the term after consultation with the other Caucus Officers.

Section 2: If the position of Chair becomes vacant, the Vice Chair shall succeed as Chair.

Section 3: In the event that an Officer is unable or unwilling to fulfill his/her duties as specified in Bylaw 2, the Chair shall appoint a replacement to serve out the term after consultation with the other Caucus Officers.

Article X - Dues

Section 1: The Caucus shall have a dues structure adequate to fund an active membership.

Article XI - Amendments

Section 1: Amendments to this Constitution must be submitted in writing to the Secretary at least 12 hours prior to the official Caucus meeting of either the Fall or the Spring RA, at which time they will be presented and considered.

Section 2: Voting on amendments shall be by secret ballot. A two-thirds majority of Caucus members in attendance is required for ratification of amendments.

Section 3: Proposed amendments become effective immediately upon passage.

Article XII - Revision Timeline

Section 1: This Constitution shall be reviewed every two years by Caucus Officers. Any revisions recommended shall be presented following the procedures as outlined in Article XI, Section 1, of the Caucus Constitution.

OEA BAT CAUcus Bylaws

Revised 5/8/2021

Bylaw 1 - Quorum

Section 1-1: A quorum shall consist of the members attending official meetings called by the Chair.

Section 1-2: A simple majority of the Officers shall constitute a quorum.

Bylaw 2 - Duties of Officers

Section 2-1: Chair

A. The Chair shall call and preside over Caucus meetings.

B. The Chair shall represent the Caucus on matters of Caucus policy.

C. The Chair shall create Committees and appoint their respective Chairs as needed.

D. The Chair shall consult other Caucus Officers about all appointments made by the Chair.

Section 2-2: Vice Chair

A. The Vice Chair shall preside at meetings when the Chair is absent.

B. The Vice Chair shall be primarily responsible for managing the OEA BAT Caucus Facebook group.

C. The Vice Chair shall perform other duties as assigned by the Chair.

Section 2-3: Immediate Past Chair

A. The Immediate Past Chair shall act as a mentor to the Chair as needed and participate at the direction of the Chair.

Section 2-4: Secretary

A. The Secretary shall record the minutes of each meeting.

B. The Secretary shall keep attendance records.

C. The Secretary shall maintain accurate record of the Constitution and Bylaws.

D. The Secretary shall perform other duties as assigned by the Chair.

Section 2-5: Treasurer

A. The Treasurer shall receive and have custody of all funds collected by the Caucus.

B. The Treasurer shall pay bills as authorized by the Caucus.

C. The Treasurer shall provide an annual financial statement at the Spring RA.

D. The Treasurer shall maintain membership records.

E. The Treasurer shall perform other duties as assigned by the Chair.

Bylaw 3 - Elections

Section 3-1: Nominations

A. Nominations shall be presented to the Chair in writing at least one month prior to the official Caucus meeting at the Spring RA.

Section 3-2: Balloting

A. Election of Officers shall be by secret ballot, except when only one candidate has been nominated, in which case that candidate shall be declared elected by acclamation.

B. Elections will be held during the official Caucus meeting at the Spring RA.

C. The date and time of the election will be posted on the Caucus Facebook group prior to the Spring RA.

D. Ballots will be distributed, collected, and counted according to the process described by the Chair.

Bylaw 4 - Dues

Section 4-1: Annual dues of $10 will be paid through the OEA BAT Caucus.

Section 4-2: Dues can be paid at the conclusion of the current Spring RA Caucus meeting. Dues can be paid through the start of the upcoming Spring RA Caucus meeting.

Section 4-3: Membership and dues for the NEA BAT Caucus will be handled separately from the OEA BAT Caucus.

Bylaw 5 - Membership Year

Section 5-1: The membership year of the OEA BAT Caucus shall be October 1 to September 30.

Bylaw 6 - Parliamentary Authority

Section 6-1: The most current edition of Robert’s Rules of Order shall be the authority on all questions of procedure not specifically stated in this Constitution and Bylaws.

Bylaw 7 - Standing Committees

Section 7-1: There shall be standing committees carrying the specific functions as outlined.

Section 7-2: Each standing committee shall meet as needed, as determined by the chairperson.

Section 7-3: Titles and Duties

A. Screening Committee shall organize OEA and NEA candidate screening, endorsement, and campaigning.

B. There shall be Caucus representation on each of OEA’s standing committees. Active Caucus members interested in serving in this role should notify the Caucus Chair in writing.

Bylaw 8 - Amendments

Section 8-1. Amendments to these Bylaws must be submitted in writing to the Secretary at least 12 hours prior to the official Caucus meeting of either the Fall or the Spring RA, at which time they will be presented and considered.

Section 8-2: A simple majority of Caucus members in attendance is required for ratification of amendments.

Section 8-3: Proposed amendments become effective immediately upon passage.

Bylaw 9 - Revision Timeline

Section 9-1: These Bylaws shall be reviewed every two years by Caucus Officers. Any revisions recommended shall be presented following the procedures as outlined in Bylaw 8, Section 8-1, of the Caucus Bylaws.

Bylaw 10 - Enabling Provision

Section 10-1: This Constitution and these Bylaws shall become effective December 7, 2019, following their adoption, and shall remain in effect until amended according to regulations herein provided.