Isotretinoin Tips

This information is intended only for our patients currently taking Isotretinoin for their acne. Isotretinoin should only be taken under supervision by a trained Dermatologist.

Dry Lips: Use plenty of lip balm. Patients find Lucas paw paw, Lanolin, Carmex useful but any brand will do. If you are outdoors a lot- make sure you get a lip balm that has added sunscreen.

Dry Eyes: if you are experiencing dry eyes, you should reduce your dose of isotretinoin. If you are only taking 1/d, reduce down to 1 capsule 3/wk. Avoid contact lenses. Ensure you wear sunglasses when outdoors to protect against sunburn.

Dry Skin: Switch your soap to a soap-free wash e.g. QV. Use Sorbolene after a shower. If this isn't helping, purchase 1% Hydrocortisone ointment from chemist (no script is required) and apply 1-2/d (before sorbolene). If you are still having problems, contact the practice and leave a message for your Dermatologist.

Sunburn: Wear a hat, and good sunscreen. We suggest a Zinc (reflective) sunscreen such as Sunsense Sensitive Invisible or Invisible Zinc for face, and any 30+ sunscreen to the rest of the body. Schedule outdoor activities before 10am or after 4pm in summer.

For any other problems, contact the practice.