Gabble Ing Yola

Helping to preserve resources of, and revive the Yola language

About Us

"Gabble Ing Yola" (Meaning: Speak in Yola) is a revival movement of the Yola language of County Wexford, Ireland. We also preserve the rich documentation, and texts relating to and of the Yola language to provide as many resources as possible to the public and for independent researchers around the world.


Yola Wikisource

Will feature online versions of all known texts in Yola, and modern translations of works into Yola

Online Yola Course

Online course for learning the Yola language, accessible to anyone

English-Yola Translator

GPT 3.0 Powered AI Translator, with a corpus of all known Yola texts.

coming soon...

Yola-English Dictionary

The most extensive list of Yola words, with their translations in English

coming soon...

Games in Yola

Video Games translated to the Yola language

coming soon...

Sources on the Yola language

A list of known videos, research papers, etc with important information regarding the Yola language

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