워크숍 개요 및 

참가 안내

EAKLE 2022

제9회 유럽 한국어교육자 협회 워크숍

팔라츠키 대학교 아시아 학과 

(체코 올로모우츠 소재) 

2022년 8월 30–31일

EAKLE은 한국어 교육 및 어문학에 종사하는 학자, 연구원, 교사 등의 관계자들이 한 자리에 모여 유럽뿐 아니라 세계 각국 학생들에게 최적화된 한국어 교수법을 소개하고 논하는 장이며, 이를 통해 참여자들 간 협력을 증진하고 도모해 왔습니다. 제9회 EAKLE은 새로운 시도로 교실에서 직면하는 실질적 문제들을 해결할 구체적 방법을 제시하는 모형수업 형태의 발표도 환영합니다. 특히 대학원생들의 적극적인 관심과 참여를 독려하기 위해 우수 논문을 선정하여 여행 경비를 수여할 예정입니다.


발표 요약문 안내

분량: 300 단어 이내

언어: 한국어 또는 영어

발표 시간: 30분 (발표 20분, Q&A 10분)

제출한 발표 요약문은 EAKLE임원단의 심사를 거쳐 발표 여부를 결정합니다.

발표 요약문은 EAKLE 홈페이지에서 온라인 등록 양식 작성 후 업로드하실 수 있습니다. 무료 숙소는 대학원생, 시간강사, 전임강사, 교수 순으로 배정될 예정입니다. 문의사항이 있으시면 eakle2022@upol.cz로 연락 주시기 바랍니다.


주요 날짜

발표 요약문 접수 마감: 2022년 4월 30

발표 요약문 심사 발표: 2022년 520일 (개인 이메일 통보)

등록: 2022년 5월 20일 ~ 6월30일

발표 논문 제출 마감: 2022년 7월 31일

워크숍: 2022년 8월 30~31일

후원: 한국학중앙연구원 (AKS-2022-C-011)

EAKLE 2022

9th Biennial Workshop of the European Association for Korean Language Education

Palacky University Olomouc, Czech Republic, Department of Asian Studies

30–31 August, 2022


The European Association for Korean Language Education (EAKLE) invites abstract proposals from scholars, language teachers, postgraduate students and early career researchers for its 9th biennial workshop to be held at Palacky University Olomouc, Czech Republic.


With its biennial workshop, EAKLE provides a stage for scholars and teachers in the field of Korean language education to discuss and advance methods of teaching Korean that best suit the different students in the various countries of Europe, and in other parts of the world. The workshop fosters collaboration among scholars and teachers and is also open to researchers on Korean linguistics and Korean literature insofar as their work pertains or can be connected to language education. It will feature presentations and discussions on a wide range of topics related to the teaching of Korean as a second language. The participants will discuss evergreen topics against the backdrop of new trends and insights gained through recent language education scholarship and experience, thus getting updates, fresh input and inspiration. We also encourage performances outside the box. Presentations may be “shows of best practice”, involving the audience and demonstrate hands-on solutions for actual challenges encountered in classroom.


Presentation proposals can be submitted in either Korean or English, with a maximum of 300 words in length. The proposals will be evaluated by a council of EAKLE board members and the organizer. Presentations must not exceed 20 minutes. 10 additional minutes are then reserved for discussion. Korean language instructors and Korean language acquisition researchers employed at European universities are the main target of this call. Nonetheless, our call is worldwide as we intend to include also some contributions from other parts of the world. We also encourage presentations of graduate students who work on topics pertaining to areas covered by the EAKLE workshop. Thus, a limited number of travel grants for students enrolled in MA or PhD programs at a European university are available.


For your application, please visit the EAKLE homepage, fill out the online application form and upload your abstract. Accommodation will be offered to all participating presenters. Depending on available means, the offer of free accommodation might be extended to non-presenting participants in the order of graduate students, part-time lecturers, full time lecturers, and professors. For queries to the conference organiser write to eakle2022@upol.cz .


Submission of abstracts: April 30, 2022.

Notification of acceptance: May 20, 2022.

Registration: May 20–June 30, 2022.

Submission of papers: July 31, 2022.

Workshop: August 30–31, 2022.


This conference is supported by the 2022 Korean Studies Grant Program of the Academy of Korean Studies (AKS-2022-C-011)