Local seminar

Chabauty--Kim reading group: 2023/2024

Together with Ting-Han Huang we are organizing a reading group on the Chabauty--Kim's method. We typically meet on Tuesday from 13:00 until 15:00 in the CICMA room in Concordia's Library building. Below a growing list of references. Everybody is welcome to join! 


October 3: Introduction to Coleman's integration (Ting-Han). 

November 14: Coleman's bound (Carlo) 

November 21: Most odd degree hyperelliptic curves have only one rational points: Poonen--Stoll (Ting-Han)


[1]  The method of Chabauty--Coleman  (McCallum--Poonen).

[2] Effective Chabauty (Coleman)

[3] Foundations of non-abelian Chabauty (Betts)

[4] The motivic fundamental group of the projective line minus three points and Siegel  (Kim)

[5] The fundamental group of the projective line minus three points (Deligne) 

[6] Rational points on solvable curves (Ellenberg--Hast)