
Most pieces pass through my hands before we publish them, so I have ample experience in editing all kinds of work. But, if there's one category that I work especially close with as Editor-in-chief, it's staff editorials. We brainstorm, discuss, and produce as a whole group, but when it comes time to shape, refine, and cut, I take over.

About every other week our staff posts a miniature staff editorial list of "Salutes" (positive observations) and "Slams" (negative observations) surrounding current school happenings. We discuss and brainstorm in the meetings, and for the most part, I arrange the sentences and fine-tune the word choice.

We compile a list of course suggestions every year from students for students. Staff members write individual entries and I edit. This year we amassed a longer list than usual, so the challenge was organizing the editorial in a reader-friendly way. I resolved this with grouping entries by subject as well as cutting much unnecessary material.

Our staff likes to model gratitude and shape this into an editorial. I chose to include this one because the content was not only one of our favorites to create, it also received amazing feedback from the student body and administration. Furthermore, I was glad to overcome several word choice challenges in editing this piece to avoid redundancy.