Can You Help?

The West Virginia Symphony Chorus needs to raise sufficient funding to pay its director and accompanist, so we welcome all donations, large and small, from friends of music and choral music in particular.

Chorus members are paying $50 per semester in dues, but we will need additional assistance. We hope you can help us.

To recognize our friends, we've established the following musically themed giving categories:

  • Eighth Note: Up to $50.00
  • Quarter Note: $50.01-$100.00
  • Half Note: $100.01-$250.00
  • Whole Note: Above $250.00

All donors will be listed in the concert programs for at least the semester of their donation, unless they choose to remain anonymous.

Your gift information will be forwarded to the West Virginia Symphony Orchestra so that it can be acknowledged. Gifts are tax deductible as permitted by law.

Download a gift form in PDF.