Money EQ by Ken Honda Author Of Happy Money: Mindvalley Course Review 2024

You know, they say money can't buy happiness... but I'm sure it can buy a jet ski, and have you ever seen a sad person on a jet ski? Jokes aside, money and happiness are two themes often addressed separately. Enter Ken Honda, who masterfully blends these two subjects, making us reconsider everything we thought we knew about finances and joy. Dive in with me, and let's explore the intriguing world of "Money EQ."

What is Money EQ and Money IQ?

There are two integral aspects to understand when discussing financial intelligence: Money EQ (Emotional Quotient) and Money IQ (Intelligence Quotient). Money IQ deals with the practical side - earning, budgeting, and investing. It's the logistics of how money works. On the other hand, Money EQ dives deeper into our emotional relationship with cash. How do we feel about it? What are our beliefs and subconscious decisions related to money?

Who is Ken Honda? About The Author

Ken Honda isn't just Japan's prominent money teacher; he's a global phenomenon. Having penned 58 books and sold over 8 million copies, his impact is undeniable. But what resonates with many is his personal journey. He's not someone merely teaching about wealth; he has lived through the ups and downs of it. And, through his insights, he has uncovered patterns among the richest and most contented individuals: their wealth wasn't just about business strategies but more about their emotional intelligence around money. This perspective, while seeming foreign to a Western audience, introduces a refreshing take on wealth accumulation and enjoyment.

The Philosophy of Ken Honda: Money EQ

Ken Honda, also known as the Zen Millionaire of Japan, has often emphasized that while having a high Money IQ can ensure you earn well, it's the Money EQ that determines whether you can enjoy and sustain that wealth. Picture me a few months back, diving into Ken's teachings. As I listened, it was as if the fog surrounding my financial beliefs started to clear, and suddenly, the correlation between happiness and money began to make perfect sense.

The Interplay Between Money EQ and IQ

While Money IQ lays the foundation for accumulating wealth, Money EQ polishes that foundation. Think of it this way: Money IQ is like having a luxurious car, but Money EQ is what fuels it. Without the fuel, the car won't move. You might know the best investment strategies, but if subconsciously you're hindered by negative financial beliefs, you're unlikely to fully utilize those strategies.

Speaking from personal experience, after engaging with Ken's Money EQ philosophy, I recognized patterns from my past. Times when opportunities were within reach, but I held back due to deep-seated financial fears. Ken makes us understand that money, when circulated with warmth and care, becomes 'Happy Money,' positively impacting not just us but those we interact with. It's a profound shift from seeing money as just a transactional element to something that carries emotional value.

So, intrigued yet? I surely was when I first started. Ken Honda's collaboration with Mindvalley offers a comprehensive course that delves deep into the world of Money EQ. From a free masterclass to a paid quest, there's something for everyone. If you're more of a reader, his bestselling book, "Happy Money," is an enlightening read. Dive in, and who knows? Maybe your next purchase will be that jet ski. And remember, happiness is just a splash away!

Free Money EQ Masterclass

The Masterclass is like a savory three-course meal:

The Money EQ Masterclass is free for everyone! To enroll, just head over to Mindvalley's platform, check the local timings, and voila - you're on your way to money enlightenment.

What Will You Learn from the Masterclass?

Ken Honda doesn't merely talk. He introduces mind-blowing ideas.

7 Money Beliefs Holding You Back

We all have them. The nagging thoughts that whisper, "You can't afford this," or "You don't deserve that." Recognizing and confronting these limiting beliefs can be a game-changer.

3 Unexpected Golden Threads

Ken's survey of 12,000 millionaires revealed some surprising trust factors. And no, it's not just about investing in stocks or buying real estate.

Long-Term Wealth: How Not to Lose Money As Quickly As They Earn It

We've all heard stories of lottery winners going bankrupt. Having a high Money IQ doesn't necessarily translate to sustaining wealth. Ken delves into this enigma, bridging the gap between Money IQ and Money EQ.

Healing Your Money Wounds

Every scar has a story. And money scars? They're the silent killers. Ken's approach to addressing and healing these wounds is a blend of therapeutic insights and actionable steps.

Determine Your Money EQ Type

The idea here is akin to personality types but in the realm of finances. Knowing your type can be the key to understanding your financial actions and reactions.

“Arigato Your Money” 

This simple gratitude technique has the power to transform your relationship with money.

So, is your Money EQ in harmony with your dreams and desires? Only one way to find out. Dive in! And who knows, your money story might just take a happy turn, just like mine did. Remember, it's not just about the money; it's about the story you're telling with it.

Money EQ Quest on Mindvalley

I truly believe, that even though money can't buy happiness, a healthy relationship with money can lead to happiness. This is the foundation of the Money EQ Program on Mindvalley. A holistic course designed not just to increase your bank balance, but to mend and enhance your relationship with your finances. It's about diving deep, challenging beliefs, and evolving. And boy, it is immersive!

Authors of EQ Quest: Ken Honda & Scott Mills Ph.D

Ken Honda joined hands with Dr. Scott Mills, a unique fusion of neuroscience, mysticism, and Eastern and Western psychological approaches. Together, they challenge the all-too-familiar societal narrative that constantly pushes the idea that we're fundamentally flawed or need to hustle and stress endlessly to achieve success. In reality, it's about balancing the hustle with understanding and mindfulness.

Who is It For?

The Money EQ Quest is for those keen to understand their financial psychology, confront money wounds, and reshape their financial future. It's about creating a positive and empowering relationship with money. Whether you're a novice or have a long financial journey behind you, this course offers a fresh perspective.

Who is It Not For?

It's important to understand this course is not a magic solution to financial troubles. If you're struggling to put food on the table or pay rent, then perhaps, diving into a book can be a start. It's also not for those seeking actionable steps to directly boost Money IQ.

How is Money EQ Structured?

The course is an engaging mix, spanning 21 lessons, nearly 4 hours of content, 13 intriguing brain training sessions by Dr. Scott Mills, and 4 insightful coaching calls which span about 1.5 hours each. It's a journey that delves deep into understanding, challenging, and reshaping your financial mindset.

Money EQ Mindvalley Course: Pros

Money EQ Mindvalley Course: Cons

Difference Between Money EQ Quest and Ken Honda's "Happy Money" Book

While there are overlaps in content between the book and the Quest, the Mindvalley program stands out with its practical exercises, meditations, and subconscious workings. It’s not about just reading; it's about internalizing, experiencing, and then acting.

How Much Does It Cost?

It’s priced at $499 for US customers as part of the Mindvalley membership, although the cost might vary based on region. When you consider the vast array of courses offered under the Mindvalley umbrella, the price tag does seem like a bargain. For this price, you get unlimited access to all courses on the platform for the whole year.

My Personal Experience with Money EQ Quest

Venturing into the Money EQ quest was enlightening. Money started feeling easier - easier to earn, invest, and appreciate. Investments began to pay off better, and that underlying fear and stagnation melted away. But more than anything, my relationship with money changed. My wife and I took this Quest together, and it was a bonding experience. We confronted our financial fears, celebrated our successes, and carved out a healthier financial path for ourselves. The lessons were not just about money but about life, choices, and relationships.

Reviews Of People Taking The Money EQ Quest on Mindvalley

Oh, the transformative power of the Money EQ course! Now, I could inundate you with data about how important financial literacy is or spew statistics about how a majority of us are clueless about managing our finances. But instead, let's hear from those who've walked the talk. Nothing is more convincing than real-life experiences, right?

Silvia Estevez from Salt Lake City mentions how the course helped her cut down her debt dramatically, from 95K to 30K! She expresses, "My heart feels lighter, joyful, in harmony, loving, caring, and of course full of abundance in all senses!" For her, money is no longer just a medium of exchange, it's a loving partner in her life.

Deborah Lukovich from Jacksonville Beach speaks about the subtle emotional shifts the course brought about. She shares, "The first time I said aloud, 'I surrender to receiving more good, love, and prosperity than I ever imagined,' my whole chest felt full." Deborah now looks at her memoir writing with a renewed trust and vigor.

Chris Jarvis from Dallas mentions how the program helped him shed the guilt associated with success. His new ventures, including the intriguingly named Giraffe University, are now poised for a roaring success.

And, there’s Juliana Nahas from Covington. Her story struck a chord. Before the program, she used to rarely give compliments. After witnessing Ken's generous and gracious ways, she learned to extend her gratitude not just to money but also to the people around her. The result? A heightened sense of happiness, increased client inflow, and a steadily growing bank account.

Money EQ Program FAQ

What is Mindvalley?

Mindvalley is a platform that provides a vast array of transformative courses. They tackle a plethora of topics from personal growth, well-being, relationships, and yes, financial wisdom.

Can I Take the Course Separately Without Membership?

No, but...

Can I Purchase a Monthly Membership, Complete the Quest, and Be Done with Mindvalley?

Absolutely! It gives you the flexibility to learn at your own pace and choose when to move on.

Is the Money EQ Course Worth It?

Look, investing in oneself is the best financial decision one can make. Take it from yours truly. After diving into the Money EQ course, my relationship with money has undergone a metamorphosis. No more sleepless nights, no more fear of checking bank balances. Money, for me, now has a joyful, easy flow. And, Ken Honda? Let's just say his stories and wisdom are akin to sitting by a warm fireplace on a cold winter's night.

Is There a Money-Back Guarantee?

Yes, there's a 15-day money-back guarantee. This allows you to dip your toes, test the waters, and ensure it's a good fit for you.

How Long Does the Money EQ Program Take to Complete?

The beauty of it is that it's self-paced! However, Mindvalley suggests around 90 minutes per week for a smooth and impactful journey.

Can the Program Be Accessed on Mobile Devices?

Yes, it can. Thanks to the Mindvalley app, wisdom is now just a tap away.