Best Mindvalley Courses for Fit Body, Health, and Wellness and How They Affected Me

"If self-improvement books were a gym, I'd be the guy with the Arnold Schwarzenegger of mental muscles," I often jest to my friends. Indeed, the pursuit of self-improvement has been a lifelong marathon for me. Over the years, I’ve developed a thirst for knowledge, a hunger for growth, and an unquenchable curiosity about the mysteries of the human brain. Today, I'll share my insights on how some meticulously designed Mindvalley courses have positively impacted my body health and wellness.

Best Mindvalley Quests For Healthy Body And Wellness

Key TakeAways:

"Smarter Not Harder" course by Dave Asprey: Challenges conventional wisdom about health, emphasizes biohacking, vagus nerve stimulation, high-quality sleep, and muscle mass for better brain function.

"10X Fitness" course: Focuses on efficient and effective fitness training, debunking fitness myths, emphasizing consistency and progressive overload, habit-building, tracking progress, and nutrition.

"The Longevity Blueprint" course: Offers a holistic approach to health and longevity, focusing on body performance science, mobility, energy levels, and personalization of fitness routines.

"Modern Qi Gong" course: Teaches techniques for strengthening the body, improving mobility, harnessing energy levels, and finding inner peace and tranquility.

"The Immunity Blueprint" course: Fortifies the immune system through daily habits and lifestyle shifts, addresses physical and mental aspects of well-being, emphasizes quitting smoking, human touch, breathing methods, and sugar awareness.

Smarter Not Harder: Unleashing the Superhuman Within

The first course on my roster was "Smarter Not Harder", a program designed by the master biohacker himself, Dave Asprey. Asprey is a Silicon Valley investor and technology entrepreneur who spent two decades and over $1 million to hack his own biology. So when I heard about his new Mindvalley Quest, I was intrigued. As someone who has studied the human brain for the past decade, I was excited to uncover the secrets of biohacking and its potential to unleash one's inner superhuman.

Understanding Biohacking

Biohacking, in simple terms, is the art and science of optimizing your performance with the help of biological, medical, physical, and nutritional tools. It's about working smarter, not harder. It’s akin to what Tim Ferriss, the best-selling author of "The 4-Hour Workweek," calls “lifestyle design”—taking control of our bodies and minds to shape our life experiences. I was ready to dive in headfirst and see how this approach could reshape my understanding of wellness and productivity.

My Experience with "Smarter Not Harder"

The "Smarter Not Harder" program turned out to be a revelation. It challenged my conventional wisdom about health and pushed me to question the norms I had accepted over the years. For instance, I learned about the concept of antinutrients in plants, a defense mechanism that can slow us down. As an ardent lover of broccoli and spinach, this was a startling discovery, but it opened my eyes to the need for a more balanced approach to my diet.

Stimulating The Vagus Nerve: A Game Changer

As I delved deeper into the program, I encountered the concept of stimulating the vagus nerve to enhance the body's resilience to stress. I was already aware of the vagus nerve's role in maintaining the body's homeostasis. However, Asprey's insights gave me practical techniques to activate this nerve, thereby reducing my stress levels and enhancing my well-being.

The Importance of High-Quality Sleep

Another critical lesson from the "Smarter Not Harder" program was understanding that high-quality sleep isn't the same as more sleep. It resonated with me, reminding me of Matthew Walker's words in "Why We Sleep." He suggested that sleep is the single most effective thing we can do to reset our brain and body health each day. Asprey's course emphasized the same, offering practical tips to improve sleep quality.

Building More Muscle Mass for a Better-Functioning Brain

The program also highlighted the connection between developing more muscle mass and a better-functioning brain. The mention of muscle mass instantly made me think of Arnold Schwarzenegger again. But this time, instead of his brawn, I was contemplating the potential brain benefits of his muscle mass. I incorporated strength training into my routine and noticed a significant improvement in my cognitive abilities.

Final Thoughts on "Smarter Not Harder"

As I navigated through the "Smarter Not Harder" program, I found it to be a journey of self-discovery, helping me refine my approach to health and wellness. It was like reading a self-improvement book, but instead of passively absorbing the information, I was actively implementing the principles and witnessing the transformation.

10X Fitness: Revolutionizing Traditional Fitness Approaches

With my brain working better thanks to Dave Asprey's course, I turned my attention to the body. Enter "10X Fitness". "Will this course transform my fitness routine as much as "Smarter Not Harder" transformed my cognitive function?" I pondered, recalling a quote by Jim Rohn, "Take care of your body. It's the only place you have to live."

10X Fitness: A Game Changer in Fitness Training

"10X Fitness", as the name suggests, is designed to provide an exponential boost to your fitness levels. Its goal is not just about achieving a remarkable body transformation but doing so in a more efficient and effective manner than traditional workout routines. The program debunked several fitness myths I had believed, like the "Muscle Confusion Myth," which states that we need to constantly change our workouts to keep our muscles guessing. Instead, it emphasized consistency and progressive overload as key factors in fitness progression.

My Experience with 10X Fitness

As I embarked on my "10X Fitness" journey, I quickly realized that this wasn't just about physical transformation; it was about cultivating new habits. It echoed what James Clear wrote in "Atomic Habits," about how the secret to our success lies in our daily routines. My existing fitness regimen was decent but admittedly sporadic. However, "10X Fitness" helped me establish a consistent routine, showing me the importance of habit-building in achieving lasting fitness results.

Overcoming Challenges and Achieving Results

One of the tools that revolutionized my workouts was the metronome. Initially, I didn't take it seriously, associating metronomes more with piano lessons than gym workouts. Yet, the ticking device soon became my workout companion, guiding my exercise tempo and ensuring I maintained control and precision throughout my movements.

As with any new fitness routine, muscle soreness was a hurdle I had to overcome. Thankfully, "10X Fitness" provided effective strategies to reduce muscle soreness, and I gradually built my resilience and strength.

Tracking Progress and Breaking Plateaus

The Work Capacity Test was another standout feature of the "10X Fitness" program. It allowed me to measure my progress objectively. Seeing improvements in my performance over time was not just gratifying, but it also fueled my motivation to push harder. Whenever I hit a plateau, the program introduced intensity techniques to help me break through and continue making progress.

Nutrition: A Key Component of the "10X Fitness" Program

The program also underscored the role of nutrition in achieving fitness goals. It was like having a personal nutrition coach. The course taught me how to calculate my daily protein needs, choose the right foods to fuel my workouts, and increase my nutrient density.

Designing My Own 10X Journey

Perhaps the most empowering aspect of "10X Fitness" was the ability to design my own fitness journey. It encouraged me to use my mind to reach my limits, pushing me to challenge my preconceived notions about my physical abilities.

Final Thoughts on "10X Fitness"

"10X Fitness" is more than just a fitness course; it is a life-altering experience. As I reflect on my journey and the transformation I've achieved – improved physical appearance, increased energy, enhanced overall fitness – I am reminded of the power of knowledge and consistent effort.

The Longevity Blueprint: Adding Life to Your Years

Even though Mark Twain once said, "Age is an issue of mind over matter. If you don't mind, it doesn't matter", we all know that in the realm of health and fitness, age does matter. And it's not just about adding years to your life but adding life to your years. And so after my transformation with the "10X Fitness" program, I was ready for my next challenge: "The Longevity Blueprint".

The Longevity Blueprint: A Science-Based Approach to Well-Being

Curated by Ben Greenfield, "The Longevity Blueprint" is a fusion of body performance science and ancient traditions. It's not your average fitness program. It's a holistic approach to health and longevity that doesn't just focus on physical strength, but also on mobility, energy levels, and of course, longevity.

My Experience with "The Longevity Blueprint"

Stepping into "The Longevity Blueprint" felt like stepping into a new world. A world where minimum effective dose exercise and fasted fat-burning walks were the norm, not the exception.

Impact on Strength, Mobility, and Energy Levels

The course introduced me to foam rolling, a self-massage technique that helps release muscle tightness or trigger points - it was like having a personal masseuse, but without the high cost. Paired with Tabata set training, a high-intensity interval training style, my strength and mobility levels saw a real improvement.

Tracking progress was another integral part of "The Longevity Blueprint". The course guided me on how to track my progress effectively, a practice that kept me engaged and motivated throughout the journey.

Adding Life to My Years

The biggest discovery that I made with "The Longevity Blueprint" was the concept of full-body isometrics. These exercises, which involve holding a static position for a certain period, helped me build strength and endurance.

Designing My Longevity Blueprint

The course encouraged me to personalize my routine, tailoring it to my needs and preferences. It was a refreshing change from the one-size-fits-all approach that is so prevalent in the fitness industry.

Final Thoughts On "The Longevity Blueprint": Transforming Body and Health

For me, "The Longevity Blueprint" wasn't just a course; it was a transformative journey. It took me beyond the realm of physical fitness, into the world of holistic well-being and longevity.

Discovering the Power of "Modern Qi Gong"

As a busy parent who had studied Qi Gong years ago in Bali, I found myself craving the inner peace and tranquility it had once provided. I knew I had to find a way to incorporate this ancient practice back into my life. Enter "Modern Qi Gong", a Mindvalley course led by Qigong Master Lee Holden.

"Modern Qi Gong" is a comprehensive program designed to strengthen the body, improve mobility, and enhance overall energy levels. Qigong Master Lee Holden expertly guides students through the process of tapping into their life force energy, or Qi, to promote holistic well-being.

Reconnecting with Qi Gong and Transforming My Life

Almost immediately after I started taking the course, I was struck by the benefits of daily Qi Gong practice. My body felt stronger, my mobility improved, and my energy levels soared. I felt reconnected to a vital part of myself that had been dormant for years.

One memorable lesson from the quest taught me how to triple my energy and vitality through Qi Gong. By learning to feel my Qi and remain connected, I experienced a powerful sense of harmony and balance.

Transforming Stress into Vitality

Stress is an unavoidable part of life, but "Modern Qi Gong" taught me that it doesn't have to be debilitating. Instead, I learned to transform stress into vitality by harnessing its energy and redirecting it toward healing and rejuvenation.

Effortless Power and the Art of Non-Action

A key principle of "Modern Qi Gong" is the concept of non-action, or wu wei, which emphasizes the importance of cultivating a state of effortless flow in our daily lives. As I practiced this art, I discovered that my internal power flowed more freely, leading to a greater sense of well-being and ease.

Transforming Tension into Circulating Energy

Another lesson that I really enjoyed taught me how to transform the negative energy of stress and tension into fertile soil for personal growth. As a result, my mental and emotional health became more vibrant and nourishing.

Slowing Down to Go Faster

"Modern Qi Gong" emphasizes the importance of slowing down in order to tap into our innate wisdom and healing potential. As my mind and body slowed down, my health and energy levels increased, allowing me to become more present and effective in all areas of my life.

Final Thoughts on "Modern Qi Gong"

Among other things, this course taught me how to activate my protective Qi through guided meditation and visualization techniques. This practice not only boosted my immunity but also promoted emotional balance and resilience.

"The Immunity Blueprint": My Pathway to Exceptional Health

For over a decade, since I've become a wellness enthusiast, I have been keen on discovering new ways to bolster my health and vitality. My wife's decade-long study of naturopathy has further ignited this interest, leading us to try various remedies and health hacks. Enter "The Immunity Blueprint", a transformative Mindvalley course by Eric Edmeades that promised a scientific and systematic approach to enhancing immune function.

Understanding "The Immunity Blueprint"

"The Immunity Blueprint" is a groundbreaking program that focuses on fortifying the immune system. It couldn't have come at a better time considering our world's current health challenges. The course offers a slew of daily habits and lifestyle shifts designed to boost immunity and elevate overall health.

My Experience with "The Immunity Blueprint"

From the get-go, "The Immunity Blueprint" resonated with my drive for optimal health. I was particularly impressed by the program's emphasis on holistic health, addressing both physical and mental aspects of well-being. 

Becoming a Non-Smoker: A Transformative Shift

While I quit smoking a long time ago, I found the course's insights on quitting smoking quite intriguing. Edmeades provides a compelling case for hypnotherapy, which I have successfully used myself to help many people quit. The approach advocated here reaffirms my belief in the method.

Hugs, Cuddles, and Hand-Holding: More Than Just Affection

The course sheds light on something seemingly straightforward but often overlooked—human touch. Studies show that hugs, cuddles, and hand-holding can support greater immune function. This science-backed claim encouraged me to be more expressive in showing affection to my loved ones, and the benefits have been palpable.

Breathing Methods: A Path to Relaxation

Breathing is second nature, but how many of us truly harness its power? "The Immunity Blueprint" introduces the 5-5-5 breathing method to help us relax and feel safer. It's a practical technique that I've seamlessly incorporated into my daily routine, and the results have been phenomenal.

Sugar Awareness: A Bittersweet Truth

As a vegan, I'm already mindful of my diet, but "The Immunity Blueprint" provided a deeper understanding of sugar content and its potential harm. It offered practical ways to reduce sugar intake, aligning well with my philosophy of healthful eating.

Final Thoughts on "The Immunity Blueprint"

"The Immunity Blueprint" has been a true game-changer in my quest for health and wellness. It is a great course for anyone who is looking for a way to boost their health.

The Mindvalley Journey Towards a Healthier, More Fulfilling Life

After spending a decade on a self-improvement journey, I can tell you that having a clear vision and the right tools make all the difference. Each of these Mindvalley courses brought something unique to my journey toward better health and wellness. From the productivity hacks in "Smarter Not Harder" to the fitness revolution of "10X", the longevity secrets of Ben Greenfield's Blueprint, the energy-harnessing techniques of "Modern Qi Gong", and the immunity-boosting strategies of "The Immunity Blueprint", my life has been positively influenced in numerous ways.

The journey wasn't just about improving my physical health; it was about enhancing my overall well-being. As I mention in my review of Mindvalley and the comparison between Mindvalley and Masterclass, these courses have been instrumental in my holistic transformation.

Over the years, I've found that investing in personal growth is the best decision one can make.The time and effort I put into these courses have paid off in increased productivity, better health, and a deeper sense of fulfillment.

If you're looking for a platform that offers a wide range of courses for personal and professional development, I highly recommend exploring Mindvalley's offerings. As I share in my review of Lifebook Online and the Silva Ultramind course, you'll find that these courses can have a profound impact on your life.

But remember that the journey towards self-improvement and wellness is a lifelong commitment. It's not a race, but a marathon. The courses I took on Mindvalley not only equipped me with the tools to run this marathon but also inspired me to encourage others to do the same.

Today, I invite you to embark on your own journey. Explore the courses, engage with the community, and immerse yourself in the transformative experience that Mindvalley offers. Remember, the journey of a thousand miles begins with a single step. And with that in mind, what will your first step be?

A self-taught expert in design, SEO and marketing, PR relationships and more. He never completed his university studies due to having to move to the US during his higher education years. Instead, he decided to educate himself through various courses and professions. He became a licensed real estate agent in Miami, certified hypnotist, studied SEO and took numerous courses on writing, design and video editing. Whatever interests him he will explore it further! Vitaliy is passionate about self-improvement loves audiobooks and continues to challenge himself with new projects - currently working on projects related to SEO as well as IMHO reviews and marketing - all with a view to continually improving his skillset.