V2.7 Released

Post date: Mar 12, 2020 3:1:52 PM

V2.7 fixes some bugs introduced by the major V2.4 re-write, some bugs from V2.6, and adds new features and 'I/O' devices, all as documented under the Help menu and in the Help files:

a) separate Code Pane line colored highlights for:

i) the ready-to-execute-next instruction -- highlighted in green.

ii) the last user-clicked line in each file (a Run-To breakpoint line) -- highlighted in dark olive.

b) separate Variables Pane line colored highlights for:

i) variable (if any) written to by the most recently executed instruction -- highlighted in purple.

ii) the last user-clicked line (a Run-Till breakpoint line) -- highlighted in dark olive.

c) Wire (I2C) and SPI interfaced LED displays (arrays, plus 7/14-segment digit/alphanumeric).

d) Wire (I2C) and SPI interfaced 8-PIO-line expansion ports.

You also now get the full-color highlights even with a light-background Windows-OS theme.


Stan Simmons