
Christmas breakup morning tea 2017:

Geology group 2017

A fascinating new experience for nearly all Geology members was picking out an individual microfossil magnified 250x from under the microscope. These fossils are about a quarter of a millimetre in size.

Lake Heron, April 2017

This trip was part of our short seminar series on natural history and conservation for all members: ‘Exploring our big back yard’ It included a visit to the Hakatere Heritage Conservation Park and kettle hole formed in the last glacial maximum some 18000 years ago. The trip also visited Lake Heron. An excellent trip had by all.

Geology Nov 2016:

The Geology special interest group involved twelve keen participants who have been studying geological time and fossils. The photo shows members enjoying a field trip to the Lincoln Hills national and regional geopreservation site, showing an outcrop of 23 million year old limestone formed on the sea floor at a time when Zealandia was at maximum submersion.

First committee 2013: From left Marie Hibbert, Glenn Vallender, Linda Baker, June Barrett, Mary Bruce, Marion Perkins, Meredith Lowe, and in front Kay Baird, Ann Wise. Absent: Jac Sparks, Anne Fleming and Edith Smith.