Master theses

21. Kunstig intelligens i makroøkonomisk prognosearbeid : en empirisk studie av hvor godt maskinlæring evner å predikere norsk økonomisk vekst

Bankson, Christian Alex; Holm, Andreas Madsen


(Master thesis, 2019)

Denne masterutredningen introduserer anvendelsen av maskinlæring i utarbeidelsen av makroøkonomiske anslag. Vårt studie analyserer hvor godt maskinlæring predikerer økonomisk vekst i Fastlands-Norge. Basert på et kvartalsvis ...

20. Intergovernmental transfers in brazil : corruption and deforestation

Lim, Wei Ze; Håvarstein, Erik

(Master thesis, 2019)

This paper investigates the effect of additional governmental transfers on several different measures of deforestation for the years between 1997 and 2016. We use comprehensive datasets from the MapBiomas database for our ...

19. The effect of commodity prices on deforestation in Brazil : an empirical analysis investigating the effect of futures and spot prices for soy and maize on deforestation in Brazilian municipalities

Ringstad, Ingrid Emilie Flessum; Tandberg, Julie Lie

(Master thesis, 2019)

In this thesis we aim to provide empirical evidence of the effect of spot and futures prices on municipal land transition in Brazil. We take advantage of newly developed, detailed, municipality-level data on land transition, ...

18. Are current Norwegian speed limits optimal? : a quasi-experimental analysis of changes in speed limits on Norwegian freeways

Ramm, Aleksander; Alver, Atle

(Master thesis, 2019)

The aim of this paper was to examine if Norwegian speed limits on freeways could be more efficient from a social economic standpoint. We examined the relationship between regulations in speed limits and actual speed held ...

17. Oljeprisens betydning for sysselsetting i Norge : en empirisk studie av oljeprissjokk på tvers av norske kommuner

Beliakova, Liza

(Master thesis, 2019)

Oljeprisen er en av de mest omtalte makroøkonomiske variablene for Norge og bestemmer på mange måter temperaturen i norsk økonomi. Motivasjonen for oppgaven er det nylige oljeprisfallet i 2014. Denne studien analyserer ...

16. A Brazilian soy story : how international soy demand affects deforestation and agricultural land use

Jansen, Halvard Sandvik

(Master thesis, 2018)

In this paper, I use municipal soy trade data covering the years 2010 to 2015 to investigate the export market for Brazilian soy and what the expansion of soy exports leads to in terms of land use. The soy data were ...

15. Did the Soy Moratorium reduce deforestation in the Brazilian Amazon? : a counterfactual analysis of the impact of the Soy Moratorium on deforestation in the Amazon Biome

Svahn, Joakim; Brunner, Dominik

(Master thesis, 2018)

This paper investigates the impact of the Soy Moratorium (SoyM) on deforestation in the Brazilian Amazon biome. We study 39 municipalities in Mato Grosso that are divided by the natural biome border between the Amazon ...

14. Has Norway’s oil riches hampered education? : oil activity and its relative effects on the educational attainment of affiliated municipalities

Curran, Jonathan; Sunde, Helene

(Master thesis, 2018)

This thesis aims to uncover if communities affected by oil activity have suffered a reduction in their share of higher educational attainment, compared to other municipalities. Using data on oil production and investments ...

13. Har boliglånsforskriftens særegne krav hatt effekt på boligpriser i Oslo? : en regresjonsanalyse som sammenligner boligpriser i Oslo med boligpriser i Akershus

Husby, Torbjørn Flisnes

(Master thesis, 2018)

I denne utredningen undersøkes effekten av boliglånsforskriftens særskilte krav på boligprisene i Oslo. Analysen anvender mikrodata for solgte boliger lokalisert nært fylkesgrensen Oslo/Akershus i perioden 1. mai 2015 til ...

12. Agricultural productivity and the fight against deforestation : an empirical analysis of the effect of factor-biased technical change on agricultural land use and forests in Brazil

Harsheim, Ingrid Gaarder; Nakkim, Vilde Larsen


(Master thesis, 2018)

The aim of this thesis is to study the effect of two new agricultural technologies on agricultural land use and forests. To guide our empirical work, we present a simple model in which the effect on land use in agriculture ...

11. Environmental speed limits : do temporary speed limits improve air quality?

Westby, Benjamin S.; Folgerø, Ingrid Kristine

(Master thesis, 2017)

In 2004, Oslo introduced a policy that involved a temporary reduction in the maximum speed limit of 20 km/h (80 – 60 km/h) during the winter. The aim of this policy was to improve local air quality in order to reduce the ...

10. Institutions and deforestation in the Brazilian amazon: a geographic regression discontinuity analysis

Bogetvedt, Ingvild Engen; Hauge, Mari Johnsrud

(Master thesis, 2017)

This study explores the impact of institutional quality at the municipal level on deforestation in the Legal Amazon. We add to this insufficiently understood topic by implementing a geographic regression discontinuity ...

9. Forutsigbarhet i pengepolitikken : en empirisk analyse av overraskelser tilknyttet Norges Banks pengepolitikk

Christie, Mikkel Storm; Krøvel, Elias Blindheim

(Master thesis, 2016)

Norges Banks rentesetting er myndighetenes viktigste verktøy for å styre den økonomiske utviklingen på kort sikt. Siden innføringen av inflasjonsmålet i 2001 har Norges Banks målsetning vært å føre en åpen og forutsigbar ...

8. Oil exploration and institutions : do oil companies prefer to drill in democracies?

Lystad, Guro

(Master thesis, 2015)

In this master thesis, I investigate the impact institutional quality has on exploration and drilling activities in the oil and gas industry. I use ordinary least square regressions (OLS) and two stage least square ...

7. Performance, persistence and business cycle asymmetries in Norwegian mutual fund returns: do mutual funds perform when it matters the most?

Utseth, Lars Petter; Sandvik, Kristoffer Bergquist

(Master thesis, 2015)

This paper investigates the performance, persistence, and business cycle asymmetries in active Norwegian mutual funds using a dataset free of survivorship bias between 1983 and 2014. Fund performance is evaluated using ...

6. Oljeprisens påvirkning på norsk økonomi : med utgangspunkt i avkastning på Oslo Børs

Olsen, Martin Okstad; Velgaard, Erlend

(Master thesis, 2015)

Denne utredningen bruker empiriske data fra Oslo Børs i perioden 2006-2015 for å forsøke å danne et bilde av norsk økonomis oljeavhengighet. Det pågår en stor debatt om hvordan oljenæringen påvirker økonomien i Norge. ...

5. Does institutional quality matter for offshore supply rates? : an empirical analysis of the relationship between costs and institutional quality, as evidenced by day rates in the PSV market 1995-2013

Vik, Anne Margrethe

(Master thesis, 2015)

The role of institutions for long-run economic development is widely recognized as important. However, we have limited knowledge about how institutional quality systematically influence prices in a specific market. This ...

4. Multiples and future returns : an investigation of pricing multiples’ ability to predict abnormal returns on the Oslo Stock Exchange

Berge, Harald; Kvitstein, Eivind

(Master thesis, 2015)

The purpose of this master thesis is to investigate the relationship between pricing multiples and future abnormal returns. An important part of the thesis is to find out whether a strategy using multiples as a selection

3. Determinants of the Chinese footprint in sub Saharan Africa : the effects of energy resources

Mowatt, Therese Espeland; Syverud, Sigrun

(Master thesis, 2014)

The aim of this thesis is to explore the determinants of the Chinese global economic footprint with a particular focus on Sub Saharan Africa (SSA). We argue that China’s recent economic growth has created a booming demand ...

2. The credit rating puzzle : a study on the relationship between equity returns and corporate credit ratings in the US stock market

Hopland, Alexander

(Master thesis, 2014)

This study search to investigate the relationship between credit risk, measured by S&P longterm domestic issuer credit rating, and stock returns. Analyzing 3,172 companies over the period January 1985 to December 2013 ...

1. Handelsstrategier basert på historiske avkastningstall : En empirisk analyse av handelsstrategier på OBX

Hustad, Rune

(Master thesis, 2014)

Denne masterutredningen undersøker hvordan porteføljer bestående av aksjene som har gjort det best på OBX den forrige perioden (vinnerporteføljen) og hvordan aksjene som har gjort det dårligst på OBX den forrige perioden ...