2D Graphics

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ImageCropTft.zip (V0.6 January 13th, 2024)

ImageCropTft is a tool for the Digital Picture Frame (PIC page) that allows photos to be cropped to the required aspect ratio. Gamma correction and gray scale conversion is supported. .


ImageCrop.zip (V0.7 January 13th, 2024)

ImageCrop is a tool that allows photos to be cropped with a desired aspect ratio. Gamma correction and gray scale conversion as well as basic printing is supported.  Support for 565 color 320x240 raw file export for my TFT picture frame (PIC page).  This version now rotates images using EXIF data in the JPEG images so that they face up when loaded.


ImgConvert.zip (V1.22 November 12th, 2008)

ImgConvert allows multiple files to be selected (using the same visual browser as JpegView) and then converted to different file formats.  The supported input formats are JPEG, BMP, GIF and PPM.  The supported output formats are JPEG, BMP, GIF, PPM, MPEG movie and animated GIF.  Output options allow the image size to be scaled by a factor or constrained to fit into a particular window size.  The JPEG compression quality can also be adjusted.  This tool is very useful for shrinking a bunch of images taken from a high resolution digital camera before emailing them.  It is also useful for making stop frame animations as shown with the rabbit.


ImgPrint.zip (V1.0.4 January 4th , 2002)

ImgPrint makes it easy to print out pictures onto a sheet of printer paper.  The same visual browser as ImgConvert and JpegView is used to select the images to print.  The selected images are rotated to fit onto the page.  Options allow the number of pictures per page to be set.


JpegView.zip (V1.9.6 October 8th , 2001)

Jpegview is a tool that allows easy viewing of JPEG format images.  Files to view are selected using a visual browser that caches small thumbnail images.  Basic printing is supported.


Color.zip (V1.2.6 July 3rd, 2001)

Color is a tool to teach about the differences between light and color mixing.  Sliders can be manipulated to mix different amounts of light and color to try to match a random color.