10th Century Ireland/Scotland

About the Source:

Time period: 10th century

Country: Ireland/Scotland

Modern source: Celtic Design Coloring Book

Historical Source: Book of Kells

Script: formal insular majuscule

About the Scroll:

Type of scroll: Stargate Baronial Bard

Scroll Recipient: Ihon Vinson MacFergus

Date of Completion: May 1996

Paper: 2-ply Strathmore Bristol paper, 400 series

Ink: Platignum permanent black

Paint: Windsor-Newton gouache

Dimensions: 11x14

Additional Notes: This is a Baronial Bard scroll done for Ihon Vinson MacFergus. Ihon really liked the Insular Majuscule script, so I designed a scroll around that hand. The beastie that makes up the capital "B" is found in the Book of Kells.