
One of my passions is recreating feasts appropriate to a particular time period and country. Check out these links to feasts that I have done:

Italian Renaissance Feast (2010 12th Night, Calontir, Barony of the Lonely Tower)

Imperial Mongol Feast (2010 Fall Coronation, Calontir)

English & Italian Feast (2012 12th Night, Calontir, Barony of the Lonely Tower)

15th Century French Feast (2012 Summer Coronation, Calontir)

Roman Feast (2014 Ides of March, Northshield, Shire of Trewint)

Russian Feast (2015 12th Night, Calontir, Barony of the Lonely Tower)

French Picnic (2015 Ides of March Lunch, Northshield, Shire of Trewint)

French Feast (2015 Rusty Blade Challenge, Over the River Part Fork, Northshield, Shire of Hvitskogar)

Elizabethan Feast (2015 Rabid Yale - A Midsummer Nights' Dream, Northshield, Shire of Coldedernhale)

2007 Calontir Coronation

1st Course

Affumicato di color salmone con Rosmarino (Salmon Smoked with Rosemary )

Buona salsiccia di Bolognese (Good Bolognese Sausage)

Insalata dell'erba del Platina Platina’s (Herb Salad )

Pane italiano (Italian Bread)

Formaggio fresco della mozzarella spostato in basilica (Fresh Mozzarella Cheese Wrapped in Basil)

Olio di oliva con pepe nero (Seasoned Olive Oil)

(“salad” plate with salad, sausage, and mozzarella not pictured)

2nd Course

Pollo arrostito (Roasted Chicken)

Salsa del miele e del limone (Lemon/Honey Sauce)

Salsa italiana Nordica (Northern Italian Sauce)

Riso nello stile italiano (Rice in the Italian Style)

Funghi fritti (Sauteed Mushrooms)

Cavoli a la romanesca (Roman Broccoli)

3rd Course

Per fare coppiette al modo romano (How to Prepare Roman-Style Coppiette* (Beef Kabobs))

Agliata Bianca (White Garlic Sauce)

Salsa giornaliere (Every Day Sauce )

Maccaroni romaneschi (Roman-Style Macaroni (Pasta w/ olive oil & pepper, grated cheese on side))

Cavolo dado-farcito (Nut-stuffed Cabbage)

4th Course

Torta di ciliege (Cherry & Rose Petal Tarts)

Caliscioni di Marzipane (Marzipan-filled Calzones)

Uva rossa e verde (Red and Green Grapes)

Formaggio di Fontina (Fontina Cheese)

5th and Final Course

Acqua profumata per le mani di lavaggio (Scented water for washing hands)

Carezzadente (Toothpicks)

Fiori profumati (Perfumed flowers)

Menta candita (Onora’s candied mint)