Committee Roles

Most committees listed are standing committees and as such the chairmen of these committees attend the monthly Executive Board meetings. Each monthly meeting lasts about an hour. Plan on 10 hours per year. If you attend the General Meetings to give a report to the members, plan on an additional 10 hours per year.

Campus Beautification

Co-ordinates 1 to 3 Campus Clean-Up per year working with the ASB and the Alumni Association.

Commitment: On campus for 3 events maximum is 8 hours. Planning for each event is 8 hours.

Total commitment: 48 hours per year.

CAP (Campus Action Partnership)

This committee chairman position co-ordinates Joint PTSA projects with the Alumni Association and the SDHS Foundation to bring enrichment activities from Balboa Park to the school or students to Balboa Park.

Climate Action

Work with with the San Diego Unified Council of PTAs Climate Action Committee,

Write articles for the newsletter,

Advocate for Climate Change Awareness and education.

Grad Nite at Disneyland (planning and ticket sales)

Chairman needs to coordinate with the principal to pick an evening for students to participate in Grad Nite. Dates vary based on availability. Duties include booking buses, interfacing with Insurance company, setting the ticket price, promotion and sales of tickets.

Commitment: 120 hours

Grad Nite Lead Chaperone

Lead Chaperon is point person for all students and other chaperones at Disneyland the on Grad Nite. It's an all night shift. All chaperones receive free entrance to Disneyland and Grad Nite. Fun to be had but chaperones are actually working this event and are looking out for good behavior for all students from all schools attending. Any incidents are to be reported to Disney Cast Members.

Commitment: one pre-event meeting and a 16 hour night.


General Meetings

Outreach Events such as orientations and Campus Beautification

Staff Appreciation

Parking Fundraisers - Special Committee:

These fundraisers are the PTSA source of revenue. The PTSA "rents" the parking lots on campus for 2 days in December and one day in April. Coordinator needs to make sure additional insurance is purchased and all rental contracts are signed. Planning for the event means coordinating with the Volunteer Co-ordinator or running the sign-up. Prep time for each event is about 8-16 hours.

Day of commitment-

December Nights - 32 hours

Earth Day - 8 hours

Senior Activities

Parent or Teacher to coordinate the end of year activities for Seniors. Does not include Grad Nite.

Student Action

Designed for to be student run and student focuses to address issues important to students.

Volunteer Coordinator

PTSA utilizes VolunteerSpot to organize our activites. Coordinator would be responsible for entering the activities and sending out VolunteerSpot messages.

May be working with:

Campus Beautification Chairman

Hospitality for Staff Appreciation

Parking Lot Fundraiser Chairman

Grad Nite Chairman

Counselors and Principal for enlisting volunteers for AP and IB testing