Call for papers

The Economics Department and the School of International Development at the University of Ottawa invite submissions for the 2013 RECODE Meetings that will take place in Ottawa (Canada) on October 5-6, 2013.

Professor James Robinson from Harvard University will be the keynote speaker and Professor Miguel Urquiola from Columbia University will present a plenary session.

Papers in English on all topics of relevance to Development Economics can be submitted until July 15, 2013 through the conference website (not by e-mail). We plan to select about 30 papers refereed by members of the scientific committee. Papers must be complete but "work-in-progress" is very welcome. Presentations will last 45 minutes, including discussions. Acceptance notices will be sent by the beginning of August 2013.

If you have any questions, please feel free to contact us at Do not hesitate to share this announcement with colleagues and students.

The call for papers can be downloaded in pdf format here.