Addition & Subtraction

Online Activities for 1st & 2nd Classes

White Rose Addition & Subtraction: a series of lessons on addition and subtraction. These lessons could be followed up with other addition and subtraction lessons in year 1 or year 2.

Khan Academy Addition and Subtraction: Watch the videos and then answer the practice questions. You can also register for a free Khan Academy account to record your progress and explore other areas of First Grade Maths. Second classes could also look at Addition and Subtraction within 100 in Second Grade Maths

Happy Numbers First Grade: First class pupils could work through the activities from Modules 1, 2, 4 and 5. Second class could go to the activities for Second Grade and work through the activities from Modules 1 and 4.

Hit the Button: a great site for practicing quick-fire Number Bonds (up to 10, 20 or 100) and Doubles

Maths Frame - Maths Invaders: Shoot the spaceship with the correct answer and dodge the incoming fire. Select play game and then Addition or Subtraction; choose your approximate class level/year to play those games.

Thinking Blocks Junior: A simpler version of the original Thinking Blocks game for addition and subtraction, this is an ideal way for first or second classes to start using bar models to model word problems and computation.

That Quiz - Arithmetic: Use this quiz to practice different types of addition and subtraction calculations.

I Know it! - Addition & Subtraction: Scroll to the addition and subtraction sections to do any of the activities. If too simple, go to Grade Two, to try the activities involving addition and subtraction of 2-digit numbers only.

Splash Learn - Addition and Subtraction Games: An assortment of games organised according to US grade levels; start with the games for first grade level. If too simple, go to the Grade Two games.

Addition practice games and Subtraction practice games from You can do a number of free quizzes each day without having a subscription. (Please note that the class levels given do not always align accurately with the content of the Irish Primary Curriculum)