
Sta je to Google zeitgeist?

zeit·geist | Pronunciation: 'tsIt-"gIst, 'zIt | Function: noun | Etymology: German, from Zeit (time) + Geist (spirit) | Date: 1884 | Meaning: the general intellectual, moral, and cultural climate of an era.

"Zeitgeist" ili "the spirit of the times", Google otkriva ovaj duh vremena kroz informaciju o milionima upita koje ljudi svakodnevno koriste kroz Google Search.

Ili kako kaze Google:

"We have several tools that give insight into global, regional, past and present search trends. These tools are available for you to play with, explore, and learn from. Use them for everything from business research to trivia answers."

"Zeitgeist - The Movie" is a three part film. The film, unedited, is two hours long. The video you are currently watching is part three of three of the film; "The Federal Reserve". If you'd like, you can view parts one (Religion) and two (World Trade Center).

Zeitgeist Google 2010 YouTube Video

You can view the entire video at this link.