The Cinema film Processing at home Laboratory.

Film processing quipments.

Russian LOMO UPB-1 S8/15x50ft tank

Russian LOMO UPB-1A S8/16x50 ft tank

Hand made UPB tank - BIG

Russian 16/35 x 100 PRO tank

Small 16 mm film processing machine

Big professional cine film processing machine.

Processing Equipmnet

Plastic or glass bottle and Graduate

If you will prepare solutions from separate chemical components.

.Scales, Set of weights

Thermometer 10-50C +/- 0.1 C


Dryer for Super 8 ( 200 ft ), DS8, D8, 16 mm ( 100 ft), 35mm ( 50 ft )

Complete sets of chemical components for processing a film

Separate chemical components.

5 steps to processing your film:

1. Study the technology of film processing

2 Load the film into a spiral then load the spiral with a film into the processing tank. This can be very tricky to achieve in darkness!

3 Prepare the processing solutions

4 Again, study film processing in detail

5 Your film will soon be ready for editting into a finished picture

4. Your film are ready for editing in a movie and demonstrations.