Niwot Track & Field Donations

Click the link below to donate: 

Every year the Track TEAM incurs costs/expenses, so we need to raise a little money to help pay for these expenses or to actually purchase some of the basics.

Some examples of the expenses we take on or anticipate include:

- Entry fees = $6,200.00 this year

- Uniform tops/bottoms = $75.00 (x85 athletes) = $9,375.00

- Warm-up tops/bottoms = $185.00 (x85 athletes) = $23,125

- PT Equipment (foam rollers, balls, bands, etc.) = $500.00

- Hurdle = $212.00 (x80 hurdles) = $16,960.00

- Starting Blocks = $471.00 (x8) = #3,768.00

You get the point, donations ensure that we are able to compete at a local and national level. They also contribute to the overall experience for ALL of our athletes. Donations are vital for the success of any program.

Click the link below to donate, QR code as well that will take you to the page: