Theme D- Les ombres et la lumiere

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Colour - a property of an object produced by the wavelength of light that the object reflects

Concave Lens - curved in like the inner surface of a sphere. Concave lenses tend to spead light out.

Convex Lens - curved out like the back of a spoon. Convex lenses concentrate light by bending the rays to a common point once they pass through the lens.

Dispersion - to spread or scatter. The separating out of different wavelengths of white light into a spectrum of colours as it passes through a prism or drop of water or similar transparent object.

Emit - to give off something as in the sun giving off light.

Kaleidoscope - a tube through which can be seen symmetrical patterns caused by reflections from mirrors.

Light - a form of energy that is emitted by the sun or by a chemical reaction to which the eye is sensitive.

Light meter - an instrument that measures the intensity of light in a particular area.

Luminescent - to glow or to give off light at low temperatures, as in fireflies.

Magnify - to make small things look bigger by looking at them through one or more convex lenses.

Opaque - a material that does not let light pass through. Wood, some plastic and metal objects are opaque.

Prism - a three-sided length of glass. Light passing through it is refracted separating the colour of white light into a spectrum of colours.

Rainbow - nature's display of the spectrum of colours produced by the dispersion of colours as light passes through droplets of water falling through the sky during a rainstorm. Droplets producing specific colours lie in arcs of a circle across the sky which is why the rainbow takes the shape of an arc.

Reflect - to bounce off a surface, as in light bouncing off a mirror.

Refraction - the bending of a light ray as it passes from one medium to another.

Shadow - a dark image or figure cast on the ground or some surface by an object blocking incoming light.

Translucent - a material that allows some light to pass through but scatters the light in the process so that images are not clear (i.e. frosted glass)

Transparent - a material that lets light pass through it so that objects can be seen clearly on the other side

Visible spectrum - a band of colours that make up visible light; each colour is generated by a different wavelength of light - the longest being red and the shortest being violet

White light - light that contains ALL the wavelengths of colour in the visible spectrum from red to violet

site description for Wonderville: Solar Energy Defenders

Collect energy during the day to ward off the vampires at night. Consider sun angle, tilt, shadows and time of year to maximize your energy collection. (site)

The Why Files: Rainbow Interactive

site description for The Why Files: Rainbow Interactive

Operate your own rainbow, then find out how it really works. Choose your rainbow and mode (rain curtain, multi-drop or single-drop) and then drag the sun and person to see what happens.

Rainbow Mechanic

Can you direct the beam of sunlight to the prism?

Use mirrors to change the direction of light.

Science in Motion: Seeing Colours

site description for Science in Motion: Seeing Colours

View the video on light and colour and then click "Next" to see the next video on light, and then do the activity.

BBC: Shadows

site description for BBC: Shadows

This interactive game allows you to see how shadows change throughout the course of the day.

BBC: How We See Things

site description for BBC: How We See Things

Experiment with mirrors to see the characteristics of light.

Sandlot Optical Illusions

site description for Sandlot Optical Illusions

Choose from one of the tours or select from thousands of optical illusions.

Colored Shadows

site description for Colored Shadows

From the Annenberg site on light, move the box and change the shadows. Change the colours and the direction of the light and see what happens to the shadows as well.

How does Light Travel?
How can we measure the intensity of light?
Light Being Reflected