I could use the following in our classroom. Every teacher's class budget is $100, and that gets easily spent in just the first month of school! Here is a list of items we're always in need of. If you could help out, it would be greatly appreciated by your children and my wallet! :)


Different sizes of Ziploc Bags: Sandwich, quart, gallon

Baby wipes 

Clorox/Lysol wipes


Paper towels

Q-Tips, cotton balls (for art)

Plasticine (any colour)

Markers (Mr. Sketch)


Rubber balls (baseball sized)

Paper cups

Paper plates (for painting in Art)

Old 'classroom-friendly' magazines


Playing cards

Inside-recess board games (Monopoly, Twister, etc)

Dollarama Gift Cards

Micheal's Gift Cards

Staples Gift Cards

Sharpies (thin & thick)

treasure box items (think old toys)

white-out tape

*I really need noise-cancelling headphones for students who want to work quietly.