We are martial arts experts, but we are parents too. Our programs are exclusively designed to train our students using the guidelines of healthy, appropriate, and productive goals. The benefits of these lessons extend beyond our classes to advantage their behavior, so they succeed in school, at home, and in extracurricular activities. We achieve results by focusing on three key areas: personal safety, character education, and health. Our members attend classes three times per week.


The Basic program was designed for children ages 6 – 12 who are new to Martial Arts. Self-defense and fundamentals of martial arts are featured in these classes. Character building and leadership skills are the fabric of the programs that include the implementation of our proprietary Character Education. Interactive and engaging, the core curriculum consists of kicking, blocking, self-defense, joint locks, and forms. Our members enrolled in the Basic Program attend classes 3-times a per week.


Our leadership program is by invitation only for students 6+ who have demonstrated a commitment to the program by attending class regularly, who have earned their yellow belt, and who are modeling strong Characters inside and outside the school. Open only to motivated and dedicated students; training is fast-paced, diverse, and detail-oriented; resulting in a most rewarding and fulfilling experience. The goal of these classes is to teach efficiently as well as effectively.


Open to our most advanced students, these 60-minute classes advance your child’s character education with topics, including individuality, friendship, self-reliance, self-control, goal setting, courage, and generosity. They propel our students on the road to black belt. Admittance into this program is by application only.

Training is more frequent, fast-paced, and rewarding as students begin to apply martial arts to their practice and sparring. An accomplishment they will wear with pride.


The James Martial Arts Academy bullying and predator prevention program teaches children how to stay safe in an increasingly dangerous world. By enrolling your child at James Martial Arts Academy, you acknowledge the serious safety threats that your child may face and are making sure they have the armor needed to stand tall against bullying behavior and predator activity – both online and in their everyday lives.

Our program is not a stand-alone program. Children enrolled in our primary program will gain access to classes as part of their enrollment. Besides, for our youngest students program in an age-appropriate way.


We teach your child:

  • To recognize bullies and not become their victims

  • To carry themselves with confidence, set and respect personal boundaries, and to be assertive when seeking help

  • How to use martial arts defensive skills (as a last resort)

  • The characteristics of bullying and red flags to look for

  • How to avoid cyber-bullying


We teach your child:

  • The real safety issue isn’t just strangers, but STRANGENESS

  • How important it is to listen to their instincts and why they should always tell a trusted adult how they feel

  • Appropriate versus inappropriate adult behavior

  • Online safety and rules for families to go by

  • The importance of excellent communication between parents and children, as well as sharing daily

  • Keep your child safe from bullies and how to recognize predatory behavior