Detailed CV

Research Projects

All the projects are detailed in the research section of the site. The figure below lists the projects I have carried out around 4 main themes. In spite of the apparent diversity of subjects, the great majority of these projects were initiated from observations or questions raised by previous projects. There is thus a continuum of questions raised ranging from thermal problems to mass transport.

Research Management

3 current PhD students:

  • Jacques-Teïva Baué (2019-2022): Investigating surface rheology signature on droplet dynamics

  • Elliot Speirs (2020-2023): Dynamics of emulsions in a model porious media, PhD performed at IFPEN under the supervision of Nicolas Pannacci.

  • Thomas Mabit (2021-2024): Dynamique de bulles sur substrat optimisé pour la production de dihydrogène. En collaboration avec A. Benahmed de l'ENS-Rennes.

11 PhD defended:

  1. Donatien Mottin (2018-2021): Influence de l’hydrodynamique sur les régimes de capture à une surface solide.

  2. Marc Pascual (2017-2020): Étude hydrodynamique des mélanges binaires thermosensibles. CDD LPS-ENS.

  3. Alexandre Mansur (2016-2019): Dynamique de gouttes en cellule de Hele-Shaw. Professeur agrégé.

  4. Margaux Kerdraon (2015-2018): Effects of a local topographic variation on confined, non-wetting droplets in a microfluidic channel. Engineer at Solvay.

  5. Benjamin Reichert (2014-2017): Dynamique d’une goutte 2D dans une cellule de Hele-Shaw. Post-doc at IPR.

  6. Axel Huerre (2012-2015): Migration de gouttes en microfluidique : caractérisation et applications. CNRS Researcher at MSC Paris.

  7. Vincent Miralles (2012-2015): Migration of biphasic systems by thermal actuation in microconfinement. Engineer at Solvay.

  8. Bertrand Selva (2006-2009): Migration vers les hautes tensions de surface de bulles et de gouttes, applications à la microfluidique digitale. Professeur agrégé.

  9. Julien Marchalot (2005-2009): Etude statique et dynamique d’une mousse sèche 2D en confinement micrométrique. Assistant professor at INSA-Lyon.

  10. Laurent de Vroey (2004-2008): Modélisation de couches minces électriques dans les bio-microsystèmes. Project manager at Laborelec.

  11. Antonin Hoël (2004-2007): Conception et analyse d’un microsystème pour l’injection transdermique. Project manager Micron

3 Post-docs:

    1. Alexis Mauray (2018-2020) in collaboration with TOTAL

    2. Lorène Champougny (2016-2018: 33 months) : Acoustics in ordered foams.

    3. Zhuo Li (2010 -2011: 12 months) : Development of a high throughput system dedicated to cell toxicity studies.

35 internships (L3, M1, M2, MIT, Erasmus)


32 invited seminars

52 conferences

5 lectures at summer schools (Cargèse, ESONN x2, Carcans, Sète)

2 seminars dedicated to a broad audience (see section vulgarisation with the youtube links).

Coordination of joint research projects since 2013

  • 2019-2023 : Coordination of ANR ILIAAD (CE09)

  • 2014-2017 : Coordination of ANR TRAM (SIMI9)

  • 2013-2018 : Coordination of project PALS of région Ile de France

Collaboration with industries

2018-2021 : Collaborative project with TOTAL (Ahmad Al Farra)

2021-2023: Collaborative project with IFPEN


- Participation to 38 PhD jury (présidente, rapporteur, examinatrice) and 2 HDR (présidente, rapporteur).

- Member of an evaluation comity of ANR (National agency for research) 2019

- Member of HCERES comity 2019.

- Coordinator Physics and Chemistry of the ECOS-Nord program (Mexico and Colombia), french ministry of foreign affairs.

- Member of the evaluation comity at mid-term project of ANR (National agency for research) 2014-2015-2017

- Member of the evaluation comity of ANR (National agency for research) 2011-2013

- Expert for different agencies (ANR, FCI and NSERC – Canada, ITC-Hong Kong, ISF-Israël, French regions…).

- Reviewer: Phys. Rev. Lett., Phys. Rev. Fluids, Phys. Fluids, JFM, Langmuir, Micro. Nanofluid, J. Micromech. Microeng., Sensors and actuators…


2011-2018 Set-up and direction of the master M2 « Microfluidique »



1) M2 Microfluidique, at ESPCI (20h/year),

2) M2 Soft matter and biological physics, ICFP, ENS-Ulm (2h/an)

3) M2 Fluides complexes et Génie des Milieux divisés, Université Paris 6, Paris 7 and ENS-Paris-Saclay. (15h/year),

Fluid mechanics:

1) Agregation preparation (french competition to teach in highschool and University), ENS-Rennes (26h/year)

2) Master Mécatronique M1, ENS-Rennes (30h/an)

Formation professionnelle :

Summer schools (5), CNRS formation (2)