MacPherson's lament (Scottish) mp3

The maiden and the huntsman (Breton) mp3

The maid of Sker (Welsh) mpg

Mallie Dhonn (Scottish) mp3

Manx courting song (Manx) mp3

Manx lullaby (Manx) mp3

Maro Pontkalek (Marv Pontkalleg) (Breton) mp3

May Day Carol (Cornish) mpg

Merlin in the cradle (Breton) mp3

The merry old woman (Irish) mp3

Milk soup (Breton) mpg

The misty mountain (Scottish) mpg

Monday, Tuesday, Wednesday (Irish) mpg

Morag (Scottish) mp3

My faithful fair one (Scottish) mp3

Mylecharaine (Manx) mp3

Mylecharaine (alternate version) (Manx) mp3

My love's an arbutus (Irish) mp3

Nora of the amber hair (Irish) mp3

Now I am lamenting (Manx) mp3

O Arranmore (Irish) mp3

O can ye sew cushions? (Scottish) mp3

O'Connor's lament (Irish) mp3

O dear mother, what shall I do (Scottish) mp3

The old man and the little bird (Breton) mp3

The opening of the key (Welsh) mpg

The orphan (Breton) mp3