Gathering sound (Irish) mp3

The girl who was poorly clad (Irish) mp3

Glenlogie (Scottish) mp3

Grania Waile (Irish) mp3

Gwenllian (Welsh) mp3

Heman dubh (Scottish) mp3

Hen Sibyl (Welsh) mp3

Hob y deri dando (Away my herd) (South Wales version) mp3

How can ye gang lassie (Scottish) mp3

Hungry for the sea (Scottish) mp3

Hunt the wren (Manx) mp3

Iannik le b0n-garçon (Breton) mp3

I chose my love (Breton) mp3

I early awoke (Scottish) mp3

I love the highlands (Scottish) mp3

I'm a poor stranger and far from my own (Irish) mp3

Inconsolable turtledove (Breton) mp3

I will raise my sail black (Irish) mp3