Isadora Duncan

Isadora Duncan (1877-1927) embodied her time as well as a vision of the future. She liberated dance from its confines and elevated it to a new art form. She utilized music to inspire the meaning in her dance. Duncan used the body, intellect and emotion to explore and express. Isadora Duncan influenced artists such as Cocteau, Fokine, Rodin, Stanislavsky and the great English stage designer, Gordon Craig. Duncan felt that the child should have art as their first experience and expression. Her first school was opened in Berlin, Germany. Six of her original pupils followed her throughout her life. Four of them, Maria-Teresa, Anna, Irma and Lisa kept the tradition alive. Barbara Kane and Francoise Rageau have studied with Lillian Rosenberg, Julia Levien, Hortense Kooluris, Madelaine Lytton and Odile Pyros- all of whom were pupils of Isadora's pupils. Thus we can today see the Art of the Dance of Isadora Duncan.


All contents copyright (C) 1997-2018 Isadora Duncan Dance Group (London/Paris)