Pre-requisites for Advanced Workshop

Chinese Family Genealogy - the Advanced Session

See Dai Doo Hall ---- 8/20/16 1:30 pm


The pre-requisites to sign up for this advanced workshop is hard copy evidence of :

- a completed family lineage group sheet up to all the grandparents and a minimum half of the great-grandparents.

- three interviews with sources who have provided family history. This may be in notes, recordings, transcriptions.

- three pages of notes taken on family history, dates and facts gleaned from primary sources ie census, websites

- five primary documents of ancestors, ie. birth, marriage, death, registration certificates, obituaries, news articles, etc. which can be xeroxed, scanned, photographed, I pod, etc. All material can be in English or Chinese.

- five family pictures going back at least four generations

At least four of the five elements must be submitted to verify that the material is completed. Because this session will be hands-on, all participants will share all of their evidence and discuss their journey into family genealogy with the other students.

After this process, the instructor will take the students into creating their family history in form of a narrative or historical write-up utilizing their research material, notes, pictures and interviews.

Students will create a rough outline of their narrative and begin writing out their essay based on the evidence and notes which they have on hand.

To register for this free session, please call 521-5948 and leave a message. We will get back to you.