Karen Stryker Fine Art Open Impressionism Landscapes

Karen's Large Oil Paintings are 48"x36", or 40" x 30" , or 36" x 36" sizes usually.  Please email if interested in having her do commissioned art for you at strykerdk1@msn.com.

Karen Stryker Gorgeous, Beautiful Open Impressionism Landscapes has done Art and hiking or backpacking her entire life. Karen's monies to support her interests were from being a computer systems analyst/programmer, K-12 teacher, Business Owner, and doing  Art shows the last 18 years. Karen has 5 college degrees; including an Art Degree. After traveling 53 countries modestly she loves to share the beauty of nature in her art. 

Tahoe CA, Tetons,  Idaho Biking Lakes, n Gray  Wolf Mustangs CO are just a few of her recent oil paintings.