
Program runs OK in PC mode (directly from Small Basic) but won't compile to the brick using Explorer

There are a number of additional programming rules that have to be respected in order for Explorer's compiler to be able to compile your program to the brick (i.e. convert it into the RBF format that the brick understands, and then download it to the brick). See this page to read about these additional rules.

Program freezes or does not work as expected

Program won't run

The most common reason for this is that a program such as 'port view' or a settings dialog such as a WiFi dialog is open on the brick. In this case EV3 Basic programs cannot be run from either Small Basic or EV3 Explorer.

Program stops early or 'misbehaves' while using a wireless connection

You use AVG Antivirus and find that it interferes with the launching of your Small Basic or EV3 Basic programs?

Try this solution, but be aware that it will slightly reduce the level of protection of your computer:

AVG > Antivirus Free > Menu > Settings > General > Turn off 'Enable CyberCapture'

Problem establishing a Bluetooth connection

If you have already established a Bluetooth connection for use with the standard Lego software (EV3-G) then the connection should be ready to use with EV3 Basic (recall that the standard software must be closed before you attempt to use EV3 Basic). If you have successfully paired the EV3 and your PC and have since then experienced a connection problem, try unpairing them and then re-pairing them. Here is the Bluetooth Settings panel in Windows 10 (I clicked the EV3 icon to show the 'Remove Device' (unpair) button:

Robot behaves erratically while using WiFi and EV3 Explorer after the WiFi connection was interrupted

There may be a bug that will cause erratic behaviour in this rather specific situation.  See this page. You can reduce the chances of experiencing this problem by using Bluetooth rather than WiFi and, if you have to use WiFi, set the shut-down time to 60 minutes rather than 30 in the brick's settings menu so there is less risk that the brick will shut down while connected to Explorer by WiFi.

The motor was supposed to go backwards, but went forwards

This problem is probably caused by you giving a negative angle to the function, rather than a negative speed or power. Small Basic ignores negative signs in the angle argument, so if you want a motor to go backwards you must give the function a negative speed or power.

In EV3 Explorer, I can't delete a folder on the brick

You can only delete the current folder when all its contents have been deleted first.

The brick has frozen - will not respond at all.

Hold down the back, left and center buttons for a few seconds until the screen goes blank, then release the back button. When you see 'Starting' release the other two buttons. This procedure will not erase your programs. See this YouTube video