2024 Reflections

Here is the brochure (https://drive.google.com/file/d/15Pi-mtSLk2rPIcLvMzrFoVV9rOCQQ9ZP/view?usp=sharing) and here is the link to the entry form: https://forms.gle/xHDTC73QhpbW91HT6

According to ChatGPT-OpenAI, "reflections" can evoke various thoughts and images, both literal and metaphorical. Here are some associations that people might have with the term:

Mirrors and Images: The most straightforward interpretation is thinking about reflections in mirrors or other reflective surfaces. This could involve self-perception, vanity or the simple act of seeing one's image.

Contemplation and Introspection: Figuratively, "reflections" can also refer to deep thoughts, contemplation or introspection. It might recall moments of self-examination and consideration of one's actions, choices or life path.

Water and Nature: Reflections on water, like in lakes or ponds, create beautiful and often serene images. This can evoke thoughts of nature, tranquillity or the cyclical nature of life.

Memory and Nostalgia: Reflecting on the past, memories and nostalgia can be another association. The word might prompt thoughts about looking back on experiences, learning from them or reminiscing about moments gone by.

Philosophical Concepts: In a more abstract sense, "reflections" might lead to thoughts about philosophical concepts like perception, reality or the nature of existence.

Artistic Expression: Artists often use reflections in their work, whether in paintings, photography or literature. This could spark thoughts about creativity, interpretation or the power of artistic expression.

Light and Optics: Considering the physics of light and optics, reflections involve the bouncing back of light waves. This might prompt thoughts about science, technology or the mechanics of vision.

Symbolism: Reflections can be symbolic of duality or opposite perspectives. It might evoke thoughts about seeing things from different angles or understanding opposing viewpoints.

Ultimately, the thoughts associated with "reflections" can vary greatly depending on personal experiences, perspectives and the context in which the term is used.