Lesson 1: What makes a safe digital citizen?

What is digital citizenship?

Digital citizenship is a a way of being, acting, behaving on the internet (online) world. It is thinking critically, learning responsibly, and being safe with how you act online.

WHat is a citizen?

Do you know what does it mean to be a citizen? Watch the video to learn more.

What is a citizen.mov

So, what makes a safe digital citizen?

A digital citizen is a member of the online community. It can be anyone that is using the internet! But, being a good digital citizen takes a lot of responsibility. The internet is a big place and you can get lost very easy. It is important to stay safe.

There are many ways to be a safe digital citizen. Keeping your identity safe, is the first step. Another way is by NOT sharing personal information like: your real name, your birthday, where you live, where you go to school, or even your real photos.

Create your avatar to represent you online!

This is an avatar I created to represent me online! To keep your identity online safe, create an avatar that will represent you.