Payment model flow chart

A newly revised flowchart has been developed in order to assist stakeholders in determining the most appropriate payment model for their study. 

Once the study has been triaged and a commissioner assigned as an Integrated Care Board (ICBs) study, the Sponsors and Chief Investigators are contacted directly by the CRNCC's ICB ETC Finance Team to discuss and agree the appropriate payment model. 


The calculation of ICB ETCs are based on recruitment to a study and the Per Participant Value as determined by the approved SoECAT. 

Recruitment at a site level      X      Per Participant Value      =      ETCs incurred pre Payment Model

There are options of 8 payment models which best attribute the costs to the most appropriate organisation, where the costs have been incurred.

All ETC payments for the partner organisation are subject to the relevant provider thresholds, as supplied by NHSE, if applicable.

A list of current CCG and/or ICB studies and the agreed payment model can be found here. It will be updated regularly.

Whilst LCRN staff may wish to be included in conversations with the Sponsor/Chief Investigator about the payment model for a study, LCRN staff and AcoRD Specialists are not expected to know the different payment models and are asked not to advise, or influence the study design.

LCRNs are asked to forward any enquiries about the flow chart or payment models to the ETC Helpdesk with contact details of the enquirer. The helpdesk team will respond directly to the enquirer, copying the LCRN staff into the email.

ICB ETC Payment model flowchart

*Click on the image for access to the downloadable document of the flowchart

Supporting Document for payment models

*Click on the image for access to the downloadable document of the flowchart