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School Nutrition Director Database

Similar to how there is a database for school nutrition directors to find producers with, there is also a database for producers to find school nutrition directors who are interested in buying local products. The School Nutrition Director Database includes the following information: Contact information, location, school demographics, ordering preferences, delivery preferences, farm to school details, and products they are interested in. For better viewing, expand the spreadsheet by clicking the grey box with an arrow in the upper right-hand corner of the spreadsheet. Review the instructions below for help finding a school nutrition director near you.

1)  Find the region you live in at the bottom of the spreadsheet to find a list of school nutrition directors specifically in your area.  You may also choose to use the master list to look for school nutrition directors all over the state.

2) Press "ctrl" + "f" on your keyboard and type the name of a product you have to offer. Scroll down through the list to see which school nutrition directors are potentially looking for that item.

3) Once you have found a school nutrition director that is searching for the product you have available, you can scroll left and right to learn more information about the school to get connected with them.

**School Nutrition Director Database**

Note: You can also search for School Nutrition Directors in your region using the Wisconsin Local Foods Map.  When you open it, click on the "School interested in buying local products" layer on the left-hand side to view all the schools. Once you have found a school you are interested in contacting, you can click on the icon to find the link that takes you to their information in the School Nutrition Director Database.

Resources for Selling to Schools

Are you are a School Nutrition Director?

Join the database by clicking the button below! Entering your information helps let local farms know that you are interested in local foods for your school.