Distance Learning

Quarter 4 - week 9

Welcome to the final week of the school year! Thank you all for a fantastic year in my class. I am very sorry that we haven't been able to see each other this quarter, but I hope you feel that these distance learning lessons have helped you maintain your math skills, and ultimately helped prepare you for Algebra I next year.

If you get a chance, I would really appreciate it if you took the time to complete the survey in my lesson plan. I hope you all have a fantastic summer! Thanks again - Dr. Collings

Course 3 Math - Q4 week 9

Quarter 4 - week 8

Welcome to our final week of assessed work for the quarter! You will still have work next week - and assignments next week (I will do things like post reviews of the tests that you have completed at home etc...), but that work will not count towards your quarter 4 grade. Remember, all work has to be submitted by 05/15 - so if you have been falling behind you only have this week to catch up! I've also been getting questions about grades for your homeworks completed in the book - those were not for a grade, but instead to prepare you for the tests. All graded assignments this quarter have been via the google forms - the review quizzes, the practice sets and the tests (all of which can be found in the lesson plans on this page). Any questions/issues send me an email. Thanks - Dr. Collings

Course 3 Math - Q4 week 8

Quarter 4 - week 7

This week we are going to be taking another test. I have created a study guide for you to complete before the test - please do not just watch the videos, attempt the question by yourself first. I've had a number of questions from students about retaking assessments to improve your score - you can retake all assignments from this quarter as many times as you like. I will give you half credit for every question you correct, so for you some of you, you can give your scores a significant boost. The final deadline for the submission of any work for this quarter is 05/15, so get turning in assignments if you have started to fall behind. As always, I am here to help - send me an email if you have questions. I hope you are all doing well - Dr. Collings

Course 3 Math - Q4 week 7

Quarter 4 - week 6

This week we are continuing to go over new material slowly. Lots of it is building on topics that reviewed at the start of this quarter, so my hope is that you have a great starting point for these topics. Hopefully you are very used to the format by now - any issues send me an email, I am here to help - Dr Collings

Course 3 Math - Q4 week 6

Quarter 4 - week 5

This week, we are going to be having our first test in this new format of distance learning. Wednesday and Thursday's class is dedicated to review - I have given you a study guide for test, with the answers, and have also uploaded videos of me solving each of the problems. I urge you to attempt the questions by yourself before looking at the answers and watching the video - that way you will be the best preparation for the test! Given the format of the test, you can consider it open note. Use your composition book/text book to help you. The test will not be graded automatically, as I need to review your answers manually, but I will get your scores back to you as quickly as I can. Remember if you are not happy with your score, you can take it again to gain back up to 50 % of the points that were initially lost (so half a point for each question that you got wrong on the first attempt, but correct on a subsequent attempt). This applies to all assesments this quarter, so take advantage of this opportunity! I hope that you are all doing well - Dr. Collings

Course 3 Math - Q4 week 5

Quarter 4 - week 4

This week, we are going to slowly continue going over new material in preparation for our first 'at home' test next week. Many of you have been doing an excellent job on the quizzes that I have set, which is awesome. And I'm also really pleased to see that many of you have been retaking the quiz in an effort to improve your understanding and grade, which makes me happy! I know all year that I haven't allowed quiz retakes, but times have changed, and now I encourage them - use the quizzes as a tool to test and improve your understanding of the new material. From this point onwards I will begin grading for accuracy rather than just completion, but you can retake/resubmit tests, quizzes etc.. to improve your grade, so take advantage of this opportunity. I will continue to upload answers to the homework worksheets and problems the following day for you to self evaluate your progress, and as ever, if you have any issues get in touch and send me an email. I hope you are all doing well - Dr. Collings

Course 3 Math - Q4 week 4

Quarter 4 - week 3

This week, I have exciting news - we are going to slowly begin looking at new material! Now, I am not going to be throwing you in the deep end here, we are going to be doing this nice and slowly. Monday we are still reviewing, so Tuesday we are starting with lesson 91. Lessons will be very similar to how they worked with Mrs Harper when I was in Germany - I have recorded videos for the direct instruction part, and I have also recorded videos going over examples from the practice set. The remaining practice set questions I have set as a quiz for me to see how you are getting on. Lesson 91 is a review of scale factors, so should be a familiar topic for most of you; as such, I have asked you to do the ODD homework problems associated with that lesson. Lesson 92 is a big and important lesson, so we will be spending more time on this next week as well, so for independent work you just have the quiz for the practice set. Like previous weeks I will upload answers to the math problems for you to grade by yourself, so do not feel the need to email your work (although I do love seeing what you have been doing). Any problems, send me an email - dcollings@bfcsaz.com. Hope you are all doing well and staying safe - Dr. Collings

Course 3 Math - Q4 week 3

Quarter 4 - week 2

Here is my lesson plan for this week! Everything is very similar to last week - I will upload answers to the math problems for you to grade by yourself, so do not feel the need to email your work (although I do love seeing what you have been doing). The only difference this week is that I have set up a couple of quick multiple choice quizzes via google forms. If you click on the quiz, it should be nice and straightforward, and you will get immediate feedback as to how you have done. Any problems, send me an email - dcollings@bfcsaz.com

Course 3 Math - Q4 week 2

Quarter 4 - week 1

Please find below my lesson plan for this week. In it you will find a number of clickable links, including short review videos, links to khan academy videos, and a worksheet with a series of practice problems. Please use your composition books and text books to help you in addition to the resources I have given you. Nothing this week is for a grade: it is designed to get you into the swing of online distance learning. Please don't hesitate to reach out to me if you have any questions.

Course 3 Math - Q4 week 1