Distance Learning

Quarter 4 - week 9

Welcome to the final week of the school year! Thank you all for a fantastic year in my class. I am very sorry that we haven't been able to see each other this quarter, but I hope you enjoyed our distance learning sessions, and have gained an understanding of how plants and humans work.

If you get a chance, I would really appreciate it if you took the time to complete the survey in my lesson plan. I hope you all have a fantastic summer! Thanks again - Dr. Collings

Biology - Q4, week 9

Quarter 4 - week 8

This week we are moving onto the endocrine and reproductive systems, two really important organ systems in the human body, with a lot of complex processes. This week will be our final week of assessed work for the school year, as all work that will count towards your grade has to be submitted by 05/15 - Friday! If you have been falling behind, and are still keen to improve your grade, you are running out of time! Over the coming days I will be checking all the quizzes/turnitin submissions for late submissions, but if you think I have missed something, please don't hesitate to let me know! Any questions/issues send me an email - I am here to help! Thanks - Dr. Collings

Biology - Q4, week 8

Quarter 4 - week 7

This week we are moving onto the circulatory and respiratory system. Ordinarily we would be performing a lot of dissections in class, so I have included some great videos of a heart dissection and a lung dissection , I really hope you check them out! Remember, for those of you looking to improve your grade this quarter, the final deadline for work is the 15th May, so only two weeks! I hope you are all doing well, and issues send me an email - Dr. Collings.

Biology - Q4, week 7

Quarter 4 - week 6

This week we are starting our final unit, looking at the human body! We are starting with the digestive and excretory systems, and other the coming weeks we will look at other organ systems in more detail. I've included some great videos this week, I particularly recommend the Ted-ed talk in tuesday's lesson - I found it fascinating! Hopefully you are used to the format by now, but if you have any questions or issues, don't hesitate to get in touch! Hope you are all doing well - Dr. Collings

Biology - Q4, week 6

Quarter 4 - week 5

This week rounds out our study of plants, looking at Chapter 24. You will be looking at specific aspects of plants in more detail - namely flowers, hormones, seeds and fruits. You should be used to the format by now, but if you have any questions or issues, don't hesitate to get in touch! Hope you are all doing well - Dr. Collings

Biology - Q4, week 5

Quarter 4 - week 4

This week I have created a series of lessons associated with chapter 23, which delve deeper into the world of plants, looking at specific parts and structures in more detail. and plants. For those of you who have opted in to receive a grade for Q4, from this point onwards I will be grading for accuracy rather than simply completion, although you are able to submit work to improve your grade (so if you are not happy with your quiz score, have a read through the material once more and take the quiz again....). Turnitin questions are due next Monday (20th April). Don't forget to make use of the discussion forum at the bottom of this page, and if you have questions send me an email - dcollings@bfcsaz.com. Thanks - Dr. Collings

Biology - Q4, week 4

Quarter 4 - week 3

This week I have created a series of lessons associated with chapter 22 and plants. This is very much an introductory chapter, with the aim of preparing you for our next couple of chapters during which we will be looking at plants in more detail. Turntin questions are due in on Monday 13th April, and we also have a quick google quiz for you to take on Friday for me to see how you are getting on - just click on the link to take it. Don't forget to make use of the discussion forum at the bottom of this page, and if you have questions send me an email - dcollings@bfcsaz.com. Hope you are all doing well and staying safe. Dr. Collings

Biology - Q4, week 3

Quarter 4 - Week 2

This week I have created a series of lessons associated with viruses and COVID-19, with the aim of teaching you a bit about what exactly is happening in the world right now. Watch my introduction video for more details, and take a look at the review questions, which are due in on turnitin on Monday 6th April. For this week, I have also created a quick quiz via google forms - it should be nice and straightforward, just click on the link! Don't forget to make use of the discussion forum at the bottom of this page, and if you have pressing questions send me an email - dcollings@bfcsaz.com

Biology - Q4, week 2

Quarter 4 - Week 1

This week I want to take time to review some key concepts that will help us to understand our next unit that we will begin soon, that is all about plants. I have set you Four key questions for you to work through this week. You can use your textbook, or the relevant powerpoint presentation on my website to help refresh your memory. I have also included links to virtual labs that I think will help reinforce these concepts for you.

At the bottom of this page, I have also created a discussion forum, to help us maintain our classroom community and provide an opportunity for you to publicly ask questions that may be to the benefit of the class. Please don't be shy, and use it as it is intended. Be bold and ask questions - if you do, I guarantee that it will help not only you, but also a large number of your peers! All you need to do is complete the google form, and your questions or comment will appear in the spreadsheet like magic!

Biology - Q4, week 1

Complete this google form for your comment to appear in the spreadsheet below

Discussion Forum