About Us

JROTC was first authorized by Congress in 1916 for the U.S. Army. The NJROTC program was established by Public Law in 1964 and may be found in Title 10, U.S. Code, Chapter 102. The program is conducted at accredited secondary schools throughout the nation, by instructors who are retired Navy, Marine Corps, and Coast Guard officers and enlisted personnel. There are approximately 600 NJROTC units in high schools around the world.

The NJROTC curriculum emphasizes citizenship and leadership development, as well as our maritime heritage, the significance of sea power, and naval topics such as the fundamentals of naval operations, seamanship, navigation and meteorology. Classroom instruction is augmented throughout the year by community service activities, drill competition, field meets, visits to naval activities, marksmanship training, and other military training. Uniforms, textbooks, training aids, travel allowance, and a substantial portion of instructors' salaries are provided by the Navy.

Captain Bob Brodsky and Master Sergeant Fred Smith started Vanguard's unit in 1994. Since then, thousands of students have taken our classes.

Purpose: Learn about ships, aircraft, and many other organizational and scientific considerations that enable the U.S. Navy to successfully operate around the world. Included in the mix of school day activities are Physical Fitness Training that is focused on self- improvement of your fitness in a supportive and constructive environment, drill (marching) routines that improve follower skills and develop leadership skills, learning to wear (dress for success) and respect the uniform, and develop the confidence.

Requirements: You have to participate and make an honest effort. You must be respectful. Male cadets must maintain a regulation hair cut. Female cadets must wear their hair above the collar while in uniform. You must wear the uniform once a week. Missing 3 uniforms in 9 weeks will result in failure of that 9 weeks. You must dress out and PT in order to receive PE credit through JROTC.