
Everyone has his/her own style on how to to bolster their castle and troops. Some players start by focusing on defense towers, and some by focusing on troops and spells. Players build their castle depending on their free time.If you want to progress quickly here is some advice:

About Gold

  • Taverns

Focus on your taverns as much as you can. The reason being is when you reach above level 80 it’s hard to find gold and everything is expensive. Additionally in higher levels your gold donation increases and the taverns will help you out for your donations.

Try to upgrade 4 taverns full level 20 before your hero reach level 75

  • Protecting Gold

Always keep your gold protected, and don't give other players a chance to attack you, by keeping gold in your treasure chamber. Other players will try attacking you continuously, and you will lose gold and trophies.

If your gold in your treasure chamber goes over the protected limit, and you don't have any workers, or your upgrades are taking too long to finish, try to buy items from item shop and melt them to get pearls until your gold becomes protected.

You can use free protected gold for 3 hours. I use this sometimes when my upgrades or workers will finish soon.

Chests are good for gold but don't open them until you need them, and keep your eye on expiration date because the times vary

About Troops and Spells

  • If you attack frequently, troops & spells may be the best choice for you, meaning more gold, trophies and skulls in war. This is because you can attack higher level people and attack more dungeons.
  • Strong troops will help you in your defense.

About Towers

A great defense brings trophies. If you rarely attack and you care about trophies, the best choice may be towers over troops.