Survey questions

Our survey ran from 1st December 2019 to 1st February 2020, using Google Forms. In the survey, we asked the following questions:

Part 1: Demographics

Which local SCA group are you most frequently involved with?

[Short-answer format]

How long have you been in the SCA?

  • Under 2 years

  • 2-10 years

  • More than 10 years

How old are you?*

  • 18-25

  • 25-35

  • 35-45

  • 45-55

  • 55-65

  • over 65

*Note: we chose not to include under-18s in this study due to the challenges around managing their/their parents' consent to participate.

What factors affect your SCA experience which may not affect other members of your community?*

[Long-answer format]

*Note: This was formatted as a long-answer question rather than a multiple choice question because we wanted to encourage participants to describe themselves however fit them best, rather than being limited by our own imaginations.

Part 2: SCA Participation

How often have you participated in SCA activities over the last year?

  • 1 (Never)

  • 2

  • 3

  • 4

  • 5 (Very often)

Were you more active at any time in the past?

  • Yes

  • No

If so, how often did you participate when you were at your most active?

  • 1 (Never)

  • 2

  • 3

  • 4

  • 5 (Very often)

What has changed between then and now?

[Long-answer question]

What SCA activities do you like to participate in?

[Long-answer question]

Are there activities you would participate in more often if you found them more accessible? If so, which ones?

[Long-answer question]

Part 3: Past Experiences

At SCA activities you've attended, what has made you feel more comfortable?*

[Long-answer question]

*Note: In this section, we chose to use the word 'comfortable' rather than 'safe', 'respected', or 'able to participate'. This was done to encourage people to share a broad range of access and inclusion experiences. However, it is important to make it clear that these issues are not just a matter of comfort for many of the people they affect.

At SCA activities you've attended, what has made you feel UNcomfortable?

[Long-answer question]

What makes an activity so uncomfortable that you would avoid attending/participating?

[Long-answer question]

What could organisers do to make attending/participating in activities more comfortable for you and people with similar needs?

[Long-answer question]

Part 4: Additional Comments

Do you have any additional comments or suggestions for event organisers?

[Long-answer question]

Do you have any comments on this survey in general?

[Long-answer question]