Our Virtual Programmes

Toddler Time Live

Exciting news! Our Toddler Time sessions are back in digital form. We’ll be live-streaming on Tuesdays and Thursdays at 10:30am. Simply visit our Facebook page to join in the fun .

Watch our friendly librarian Debbie Tipuna read one of her books, and sing waiata with her moko Riley.

Watch another one of our amazing librarians, Penny Guy tell stories and sing waiata.

Teen Writers Classroom

Lauren and Becky are missing seeing you at the Pāpāmoa and Greerton Teen Writing Groups, so we’ve set up a Google Classroom to meet online instead! Join our Google Classroom by visiting www.classroom.google.com and entering the join class code 'l467lfm' to participate in writing activities and chat.

BYO snacks!

Here you can access a range of resources, complete weekly tasks, view videos and share any ideas and questions about coding, in Shannon’s Virtual Coding Classroom.