Data Viz

Examples in R

National Study of the Political Participation of Licensed Social Workers 2018

Distribution of Professional Practice

The waffle chart above represents the percentage distribution of primary professional practice for NSPPLSW respondents. Charts like these do more, I think, to visualize distributions than pie charts. Here we see that a plurality of respondents practice on individuals, which is consistent with the popular understanding of licensed social workers. A much smaller percentage engage in advocacy or community organizing for their professional practice.

Political Behavior and Professional Experience

In my 2018 article in Social Work, I find that female MSW students doubt their qualifications to run to a greater degree than any other group in the study. For the NSPPLSW, I was curious if professional experience could mitigate an individual's sense of qualifications to run for office, as well as other political behavior items. As can be seen here, experience had little relationship to qualifications specifically, and no relationship whatsover to political recruitment or steps taken to run.

Examples in Excel

Michigan Candidate Proportion Study

Proportion of Social Workers Running for Office 2006-2016

Proportion of Lawyers Running for Office 2006-2016

Examples in Stata

Base of Pyramid Study